ah sorry i misunderstood. Not sure how complicated that would be, but i don't plan on implementing that myself. Indent markers, when displayed, always show indentation of opened directory. The...
I think MRU cycling should be provided as a standalone plugin, this is enough complicated to track as it is, and would be out of the scope of nvim-tree i...
i'm currently rewriting the renderer, i think this might be feasible, but not per icon, globally only.
Maybe a better way would be to detect if the icon is going to be rendered as double-width ? I'm not sure if this is feasible because it might depend...
I really think this could be done manually by the user by overriding the default icon in this case. Or nvim-web-devicon's icons. Otherwise i'll provide a global padding option for...
Hi, i'll completely be honest with you, in the current state of the plugin, it would be VERY hard to implement this. Some refactoring are planned to make the api...
Please don't add +1 on issues, if you can add some information to the issue to help us pinpoint where it comes from, it would be much better. It seems...
I'll try to pinpoint this python issue, i've indeed seen that in empty files.
1) do you have `curl` installed ? 2) does `/root/.local/share/nvim` exist on your system ?
mmmh. Could this be an issue because you are root ? @theHamsta ?