pals copied to clipboard
Meta data: maximum number of colors and palette type
Do you have meta data of the palettes? Specifically:
- The maximum number of colors that are contained in each qualitative palette originally.
- The type of each palette.
So I'm looking for something similar as:
#> maxcolors category colorblind
#> BrBG 11 div TRUE
#> PiYG 11 div TRUE
#> PRGn 11 div TRUE
#> PuOr 11 div TRUE
#> RdBu 11 div TRUE
#> RdGy 11 div FALSE
#> RdYlBu 11 div TRUE
#> RdYlGn 11 div FALSE
#> Spectral 11 div FALSE
#> Accent 8 qual FALSE
#> Dark2 8 qual TRUE
#> Paired 12 qual TRUE
#> Pastel1 9 qual FALSE
#> Pastel2 8 qual FALSE
#> Set1 9 qual FALSE
#> Set2 8 qual TRUE
#> Set3 12 qual FALSE
#> Blues 9 seq TRUE
#> BuGn 9 seq TRUE
#> BuPu 9 seq TRUE
#> GnBu 9 seq TRUE
#> Greens 9 seq TRUE
#> Greys 9 seq TRUE
#> Oranges 9 seq TRUE
#> OrRd 9 seq TRUE
#> PuBu 9 seq TRUE
#> PuBuGn 9 seq TRUE
#> PuRd 9 seq TRUE
#> Purples 9 seq TRUE
#> RdPu 9 seq TRUE
#> Reds 9 seq TRUE
#> YlGn 9 seq TRUE
#> YlGnBu 9 seq TRUE
#> YlOrBr 9 seq TRUE
#> YlOrRd 9 seq TRUE
Created on 2021-06-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)
We can classify 'rainbow' palettes as sequential. The bivariate palettes (great that you have them!) are a category on their own.
(As you may know I'll use pals
for tmap
: see