Kevin Wright
Kevin Wright
Adding topics for useR conference.
When I have an Rmd document with a chunk like: ```{r} p_unload(dplyr) ``` The `p_unload` function inserts a backspace character "\b" into the message. When the Rmd is converted to...
Your article is extremely thorough. You touched on a few of these points below, but maybe there's something interesting here below. This is not really an "issue", more of a...
Would be nice if the description for the `rx_not()` function also had a sentence like this: See also the more descriptive functions `rx_avoid_prefix()` and `rx_avoid_suffix()`.
rx_raw ?
Just an idea. Might be nice to have a function called rx_raw which allows user to explicitly specify a part of the rx. For example: rx_alpha() %>% rx_raw("{8}") "[A-z]{8}" Yes,...
I want to convert a tibble to a data.frame. Since I'm used to the tidyverse having it's own non-R-style syntax (using underscores instead of dots), I tried this: ``` as_data_frame(as_tibble(iris))...
In this function, `k` is a vector of row indexes that represent the sample rows of the data. Currently: k
Corrgrams were popularized by Friendly in this paper: He used a red (negative) to blue (positive) color palette, which has since become a sort of standard for corrgram colors....
The `factoextra::get_clust_tendency()` function calculates Hopkins statistic using the following bit of code: ``` list(hopkins_stat = sum(minp)/(sum(minp) + sum(minq)), plot = plot) ``` This is the formula that is used in...
When I work with R script/shell windows, I often want to choose a region of the shell output and copy it back to the script. Here's an idea of how...