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textContent usage generates invalid js
I have some issues with Element.text or Element.text(""). My snippet is like
new {
div(attributes = mapOf("id" to "main-stats")).new {
div().classes("row", "stats-row").new {
div().classes("col-md-12", "col-sm-12", "stat").new {
div().classes("data").new {
div().new {
span().classes("number").text.value = projectsCount.toString()
span().text.value = "Projects"
and the resulting javascript is something like
document.getElementById("Ko").setAttribute("class", "number");document.getElementById("Ko").textContent=""document.getElementById("Ko").textContent="3"{
var newEl = document.createElement("span");
I think it would be correct if the curly brace after "3" would be shifted to a new line, hence a break could fix this, maybe.
Any thoughts? :)
EDIT: Forgot to say: The error is "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier" and "Unexpected token {" EDIT: After taking another look, it looks like an unwanted nesting happens with textContent my example, there seems to simply be a semicolon missing. Adding it would make the js valid, no need for a line break.
I just tried it, your example works just fine. I assumed that projectsCount was an int. Are you using the latest version? Can you give me more information what is happening the posted block?
thx for your response. I just found out that it works normally in the regular dsl code but not if I use it in an onclick listener. I do
a() {
{ document: Document -> document.adminHomeContainer.setAdminHome(projectsCount) }(doc)
(simplified code)
And setAdminHome just does all this "new {}" stuff from above.
EDIT: I am using 0.5.7
Note that {...}
should only be used for very simple DOM modifications because DOM changes in the {block}
are recorded at page-render time and replayed every time the event occurs.
Should you be using { ...
Aha! This works. Okay so the problem is solved. But my expectation was that what i do is a fairly simple dom change, because i just change a container views content. For example if i have a simple, static greeting page, selecting it in the navigation should be an immediate event, shouldn't it?
Thanks so far!
Most DOM changes should be fine - anything cosmetic - it's useful for temporary spinners.
However, document.adminHomeContainer.setAdminHome(projectsCount)
seems like more than just a DOM change, no?
it adds 5 divs, 2 spans and a p element to an existing element :)
Sorry for the delayed reply.
Kweb doesn't support changes to the URL in immediate events, that might be doable but would be tricky.
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