rack-test_app copied to clipboard
more intuitive testing helper library for Rack app
Rack::TestApp is another testing helper library for Rack application. IMO, it is more intuitive than Rack::Test.
Rack::TestApp requires Ruby >= 2.0.
$ gem install rack-test_app
$ echo "gem 'rack-test_app'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle
require 'rack'
require 'rack/lint'
require 'rack/test_app'
## sample Rack app
app = proc {|env|
text = "{\"status\":\"OK\"}"
headers = {"Content-Type" => "application/json",
"Content-Length" => text.bytesize.to_s}
[200, headers, [text]]
## crate wrapper objects
http = Rack::TestApp.wrap(Rack::Lint.new(app))
https = Rack::TestApp.wrap(Rack::Lint.new(app), env: {'HTTPS'=>'on'})
## simulates http request
result = http.GET('/api/hello', query: {'name'=>'World'})
# or http.get(...) if you like.
## test result
r = result
assert_equal 200, r.status
assert_equal "application/json", r.headers['Content-Type']
assert_equal "application/json", r.content_type
assert_equal 15, r.content_length
assert_equal ({"status"=>"OK"}), r.body_json
assert_equal "{\"status\":\"OK\"}", r.body_text
assert_equal "{\"status\":\"OK\"}", r.body_binary # encoing: ASCII-8BIT
assert_equal nil, r.location
## (experimental) confirm environ object (if you want)
#p http.last_env
- You can call
instead ofhttp.GET()
if you prefer. -
is an experimental feature (may be dropped in the future).
More Examples
## query string
r = http.GET('/api/hello', query: 'name=World')
r = http.GET('/api/hello', query: {'name'=>'World'})
## form parameters
r = http.POST('/api/hello', form: 'name=World')
r = http.POST('/api/hello', form: {'name'=>'World'})
## json
r = http.POST('/api/hello', json: {'name'=>'World'})
## multipart
mp = {
"name1" => "value1",
"file1" => File.open("data/example1.jpg", 'rb'),
r = http.POST('/api/hello', multipart: mp)
## multipart #2
boundary = "abcdefg1234567" # or nil
mp = Rack::TestApp::MultipartBuilder.new(boundary)
mp.add("name1", "value1")
mp.add("file1", File.read('data/example1.jpg'), "example1.jpg", "image/jpeg")
r = http.POST('/api/hello', multipart: mp)
## input
r = http.POST('/api/hello', input: "x=1&y=2&z=3")
## headers
r = http.GET('/api/hello', headers: {"X-Requested-With"=>"XMLHttpRequest"})
## cookies
r = http.GET('/api/hello', cookies: "name1=value1")
r = http.GET('/api/hello', cookies: {"name1"=>"value1"})
r = http.GET('/api/hello', cookies: {"name1"=>{:name=>'name1', :value=>'value1'}})
## cookies #2
r1 = http.POST('/api/login')
r2 = http.GET('/api/hello', cookies: r1.cookies)
http.with(cookies: r1.cookies, headers: {}) do |http_|
r3 = http_.GET('/api/hello')
## env
r = http.GET('/api/hello', env: {"HTTPS"=>"on"})
Copyright and License
$Copyright: copyright(c) 2015 kuwata-lab.com all rights reserved $
$License: MIT-LICENSE $