kubectl-build icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kubectl-build copied to clipboard

Build dockerfiles directly in your Kubernetes cluster.

Kubectl build

Kubectl build mimics the kaniko executor, but performs building on your Kubernetes cluster side.
This allows you to simply build your local dockerfiles remotely without leaving your cozy environment.



using krew:

kubectl krew index add kvaps https://github.com/kvaps/krew-index
kubectl krew install kvaps/build

or using curl:

curl -LO https://github.com/kvaps/kubectl-build/raw/master/kubectl-build
chmod +x ./kubectl-build
sudo mv ./kubectl-build /usr/local/bin/kubectl-build


kubectl build [args]


# Show all kaniko commands
kubectl build --help

# Build from current directory
kubectl build --context . --no-push

# Specify namespace and kubeconfig
kubectl build --context . --no-push --namespace default --kubeconfig ~/.kube/someconfig

# Login to remote registry
docker login docker.io

# Short form
kubectl build -c . -d docker.io/some/image:latest

# Run debug shell
kubectl build -c . --no-push --debug

# Use cache building
kubectl build --context . --destination docker.io/some/image:latest --cache --cache-repo docker.io/some/cache

# Save image name and digest to file
kubectl build --context . --destination docker.io/some/image:latest --digest-file /tmp/digest --image-name-with-digest-file /tmp/image

# Build from stdin
tar -cvf- . | kubectl build --destination docker.io/some/image:latest --context tar://stdin

Extra configuration

While standard behavior of kubectl-build plugin intend to repeat kaniko executor options. The additional configuration can be specified by setting environment variables.

This may be useful for both having permanent configuration and setting CI-systems.

Enivroment Variable Description Default value
KUBECTL_BUILD_CONTEXT Kubernetes context for creating pod (may be overriden by --kubecontext) current context
KUBECTL_BUILD_DOCKER_CONFIG Path to dockerconfig file to forward ~/.docker/config.json
KUBECTL_BUILD_IMAGE Kaniko-executor image gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor
KUBECTL_BUILD_KEEP_POD If set to true do not delete pod after finising process false
KUBECTL_BUILD_KUBECONFIG Path to kubeconfig file for creating pods (may be overriden by --kubeconfig) kubectl defaults
KUBECTL_BUILD_METADATA_OVERRIDES Json patch to override metadata for creating pods {}
KUBECTL_BUILD_NAME_OVERRIDE Name for creating pod kaniko-rand6n
KUBECTL_BUILD_NAMESPACE Kubernetes namespace for creating pod (may be overriden by --namespace) current namespace