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Integrate Switcheroo with Chrome
Enable navigating tabs with Switcheroo.
This might enable evolve into some kind of simple plugin system for Switcheroo.
Cool idea! It might be worth looking into Quick Tabs. It is a tab switcher for Chrome similar to Switcheroo. For a quick prototype it might be a good approach to fork Quick Tabs (Github link) and use IPC to communicate between Switcheroo and Quick Tabs / Chrome.
Ahh very cool! Thanks for the heads up! I would really like to have this feature as half my time on the computer is spent in the Chrome.
My prototype idea has been based on Akka.net, but it's far from finished and it would probably speed up the process to reuse some existing code instead :)
On Friday, August 7, 2015, Philipp Otto [email protected] wrote:
Cool idea! It might be worth looking into Quick Tabs https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quick-tabs/jnjfeinjfmenlddahdjdmgpbokiacbbb. It is a tab switcher for Chrome similar to Switcheroo. For a quick prototype it might be a good approach to fork Quick Tabs (Github link https://github.com/babyman/quick-tabs-chrome-extension) and use IPC to communicate between Switcheroo and Quick Tabs / Chrome.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/kvakulo/Switcheroo/issues/45#issuecomment-128682270.
On a (sort of) related note. I was using cmder before conhost became usable in Windows 10, and it was doing an interesting thing: it displayed a taskbar window for every tab opened in it. However, from Switcheroo's point of view the app had only one window, which looked weird compared to the experience the windows taskbar provided. I think it may be interesting to look into displaying multiple windows in Switcheroo for the apps that go out of their way to display multiple windows in the taskbar.
Not sure how popular this feature is though. To be honest, I can't immediately come up with other examples of apps that do that besides cmder and IE.
@HellBrick It's an interesting idea to support the taskbar windows. I've created an issue for this (#52), so it won't be forgetten :) Btw, cmder looks quite nice!
I use Vimium on Chrome, and the "T" hotkey actually does that.
As for this application growing to do that, I feel that's a bit of a scope creep. At least it's not something I'd personally want, if it gets integrated I'd hope there'd be a way to turn it off, I'd just downgrade to a lower version otherwise.