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Src and dest node are not shown properly for non-directional matches: (a)-[r]-(b)
Given the following queries:
MATCH (n0:Note {id: 11})-[r:Links]->(n:Note {id:12}) RETURN ID(n0), r, ID(n);
| n0._ID | r | n._ID |
| 1:435121 | (1:435121)-{_LABEL: Links, _ID: 2:841305}->(1:435122) | 1:435122 |
MATCH (n0:Note {id: 11})<-[r:Links]-(n:Note {id:12}) RETURN ID(n0), r, ID(n);
| n0._ID | r | n._ID |
| 1:435121 | (1:435122)-{_LABEL: Links, _ID: 2:841307}->(1:435121) | 1:435122 |
MATCH (n0:Note {id: 11})-[r:Links]-(n:Note {id:12}) RETURN ID(n0), r, ID(n);
| n0._ID | r | n._ID |
| 1:435121 | (1:435121)-{_LABEL: Links, _ID: 2:841305}->(1:435122) | 1:435122 |
| 1:435121 | (1:435121)-{_LABEL: Links, _ID: 2:841307}->(1:435122) | 1:435122 |
The third query result is shown wrong. The IDs should be exchanged in the 2nd row.
Similarly, path is shown wrong too:
MATCH p=(n0:Note {id: 11})-[r:Links]-(n:Note {id:12}) RETURN properties(nodes(p), '_ID'), ID(n0), ID(n);
| PROPERTIES(NODES(p),_ID) | n0._ID | n._ID |
| [1:435121,1:435122] | 1:435121 | 1:435122 |
| [1:435121,1:435122] | 1:435121 | 1:435122 |