DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner copied to clipboard
The original code from the DeepMind article + my tweaks
when I run this command: sudo ./test_gpu breakout DQN3_0_1_breakout_FULL_Y.t7 the output is: ``` -framework alewrap -game_path /home/omen/Projects/DeepLearning/Test/DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner/roms/ -name DQN3_0_1_breakout_FULL_Y -env breakout -env_params useRGB=true -agent NeuralQLearner -agent_params lr=0.00025,ep=1,ep_end=0.1,ep_endt=replay_memory,discount=0.99,hist_len=4,learn_start=50000,replay_memory=1000000,update_freq=4,n_replay=1,network="convnet_atari3",preproc="net_downsample_2x_full_y",state_dim=7056,minibatch_size=32,rescale_r=1,ncols=1,bufferSize=512,valid_size=500,target_q=10000,clip_delta=1,min_reward=-1,max_reward=1 -actrep 4 -gpu...
on issue #35 You need to change the line 127 in change it to: `make GDFEATURES="-DGD_PNG -DGD_GIF -DGD_JPEG -DGD_XPM -DGD_FREETYPE -DGD_FONTCONFIG"` add: `cp $PREFIX/lib/lua/5.1/` everything will work.
Hi @kuz , I'm using UBuntu 17.04 and while installing the dependencies, the following error message is observed: `/bin/sh: 1: gdlib-config: not found /bin/sh: 1: gdlib-config: not found luagd.c:2171:33: error:...
When I try to run a game on the GPU, I get the following output: ``` $ ./run_gpu breakout -framework alewrap -game_path /home/ben/Downloads/DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner-master/roms/ -name DQN3_0_1_breakout_FULL_Y -env breakout -env_params useRGB=true -agent...
Can someone help me with this error: ../torch/bin/luajit: /home/cwj/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/alewrap/aleffi.lua:45: /home/cwj/RL/atari/torch/lib/ undefined symbol: ale_act stack traceback: [C]: in function '__index' /home/cwj/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/alewrap/aleffi.lua:45: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' /home/cwj/torch/install/share/lua/5.1/alewrap/init.lua:21: in main...
I have spent several hours training a model, now I want to continue training, what should I do? Please give me some tips.
Excuse me. I installed it in "Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS". When I run "./run_cpu breakout", it shows the following error. Would you please help me on this? Thanks a lot in...
Is there a way to resume training from a snapshot
After installation, I tried to run breakout game by cpu mode. sudo ./run_cpu breakout, error appear: Log is ------------- Updating manifest for /home/ubuntu/DeepMind/torch/lib/luarocks/rocks luagd 2.0.33r3-1 is now built and installed...
after ./run_cpu , game start, How to stop training and continue the train data next time? How to find the trained network file?