vue-smooth-dnd copied to clipboard
Typescript Definition files
Hi, do you have any plans to include Typescript Definition files in vue-smooth-dnd (and smooth-dnd would also need one)?
If not, I might investigate creating them, if I did that would you accept a pull request?
My vue-smooth-dnd.d.ts file:
declare module 'vue-smooth-dnd' {
import Vue from 'vue';
type Payload = any;
interface DropResult {
removedIndex: number;
addedIndex: number;
payload: Payload;
element: Element;
interface DragEvent {
isSource: boolean;
payload: Payload;
willAcceptDrop: boolean;
interface NodeDescription {
value: string;
props: Vue.VNodeData;
interface ContainerProps {
orientation?: string;
behaviour?: string;
tag?: string | NodeDescription;
groupName?: string;
lockAxis?: string;
dragHandleSelector?: string;
nonDragAreaSelector?: string;
dragBeginDelay?: number;
animationDuration?: number;
autoScrollEnabled?: boolean;
dragClass?: string;
dropClass?: string;
removeOnDropOut?: boolean;
getChildPayload?: (index: number) => Payload;
shouldAnimateDrop?: (sourceContainerOptions: ContainerProps, payload: Payload) => boolean;
shouldAcceptDrop?: (sourceContainerOptions: ContainerProps, payload: Payload) => boolean;
getGhostParent: () => Element;
onDragStart?: (dragEvent: DragEvent) => void;
onDragEnd?: (dragEvent: DragEvent) => void;
onDrop?: (dropResult: DropResult) => void;
onDragEnter?: () => void;
onDragLeave?: () => void;
onDropReady?: (dropResult: DropResult) => void;
class Container extends Vue {
props: ContainerProps
class Draggable extends Vue {
props: {
tag?: string | NodeDescription;
I needed this! Thanks so much!!
very useful
I need it very much, thank you very much