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IAC midi input device in Element plugin version

Open steveschow opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

The graph modules for midi devices, such as being able to route an IAC device directly into the graph via a node...only seems to work in the Standalone version of Kushview...doesn't work in any of the plugin versions that I tried. This would be very helpful. If not, then remove it from the plugin version to avoid confusion.

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steveschow avatar May 09 '21 01:05 steveschow

Ahhh yes, good idea. It's not really possible for it to be consistent. The issue (i think) are conflicts between host and Element when both are accessing the same MIDI device.

Off subject but I've been working hard getting a User manual together... including details on how scripting works in Element. https://element.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scripting/overview.html

The API is still very slim. I really want the foundation of it all solid before really adding tons of examples and expanding it. Good news about that is I'm happy with it now and ready for the next phase.... which is going over suggestions from you and others on what to implement!

mfisher31 avatar Jul 22 '21 00:07 mfisher31

Hey great to hear. I'm in the middle of a big renovation and move so it may be a while before I can really try some Lua in Element, but I'll get to it eventually..but yea...any docs will be helpful.

Regarding the API, I think simple is good to start. There is a lot of potential to get crazy with it so that with LUA we can someday even make UI's that interface with various objects in Element, etc..but I would just suggest at first, at least regarding midi, which is my primary interest...just super simple, but the thing that is the most difficult in scripters such as LuaProtoPlug, PlugNScript and others...is that there is currently no way to schedule midi events in the future with them. LogicPro Scripter is the only one that provides an easy way to do that...and that greatly opens up things to do with it...whereas the other ones are using for doing simple filter, but you run out of interesting things to do with that pretty quickly.

Regarding the IAC...I can't remember why I started this ticket...but I guess from inside the Plugin Version of Element it would be better to have a dedicated module that can connect to outside midi devices directly, including IAC), but most people will not actually do that. I have used that feature in PlogueBidule on occasion though.

steveschow avatar Jul 22 '21 00:07 steveschow

I'm so behind on everything. I'll have a look at using IAC in the plugin version. I've had people say it works and others say it doesn't.

mfisher31 avatar Jul 22 '21 00:07 mfisher31