Kurt King
Kurt King
@dependabot rebase
@dependabot rebase
@dependabot rebase
@dependabot rebase
hey @ivangonzalezacuna, thanks for reaching out. I [posted on that issue](https://github.com/K-Phoen/backstage-plugin-announcements/pull/154#issuecomment-1792715436) in the past. Happy to review a PR if you would like to contribute the functionality.
Maybe that is something @sravanireddy115 can help with?
@dependabot rebase
I plan to take a look at the GitHub actions. edit: [PR](https://github.com/backstage/backstage/pull/19243).
Hey @billabongrob, this change is fine, but it has me thinking. The functionality missing here is the ability to manage and create announcements from _any_ page of your choice. Therefore,...
> Right now, I've created routes for each. I've used the `` within them. Then just added them as a Nav bars on the side. Here's an example of what...