> @kursk-ye Hi, we've released v2.7.2 to address a bug in Ingress Controller, please upgrade Easegress and check it out. ok,I try it
Thank you very much, it worked! I used the 2.7.2 source code, rebuilt the image for arm64 architecture, and after redeploying easegress and service, the experiment worked! ``` root@cp01:~/easegress/build/package# kcdd...
Thanks to the help of the easegress team, I wrote a wechat article about the experimental procedure https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg3OTYwMTE1NA==&mid=2247484007&idx=1&sn=1a1fa804c9831eaa5b9fc3ea720191e1&chksm=cf00b10af877381c2b589033a2fce713a773c7b78dab614592e4052cb1da25d471639fd82d9b&token=385145902&lang=zh_CN#rd