Jan Kurs
Jan Kurs
Which version of Pharo are you using? It seems there is an implementation of asPetit2Stream in Pharo 6.1: ```smalltalk ZnCharacterReadStream>>asPetit2Stream ^ PP2BufferStream on: self ``` As a workaround, consider creating...
I also improved the documentation of PP2 related streams in https://github.com/kursjan/petitparser2/commit/1e20acad0febb34a798e9ac44404a83d300b17c9
Hi Udo, not sure what is your goal. the mentioned asPParser methods allow you to do: For ByteArray: 'foobar' asPParser parse: 'foobar' I am not sure what exactly the Integer>>asPParser...
Hi Udo, did I get it right that `WASMTextParser` should already work? ``` valtype ^ ('i32' asPParser / 'i64' asPParser / 'f32' asPParser / 'f64' asPParser) ==> [:type | WASMValtypeNode...