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Incorrect values reported when using PULLUP mode
When using PULLUP mode for pins, they don’t always report the right value. This occurs with a genuine Uno, a clone Uno, and a clone Mega. It occurs on Windows, CentOS and on the Raspberry Pi.
I am running 2.3.8, although with the JSerialComm transport pulled from Git. I’m using Java 11. The Arduinos are running the latest version of StandardFirmata.
I tried the same test using a Python Firmata library, and didn’t have the problem, so I believe this is an issue with Firmata4J, rather than with the firmware. This is easy to reproduce, as described below.
- All tests are performed with two pins in PULLUP mode, and the other pins left with their default settings.
- The pin-under-test (PUT) is connected directly to a ground pin. Its value should therefore always be zero.
- No other pins have wires connected to them
- The second pin is called OTHER. As it is not connected, it should always report one.
- The results described here apply to pins 2 - 13. While this was tested on both an Uno and a Mega, no extensive testing was done on pins above 13.
Test procedure
- Call start()
- Call ensureInitializationIsDone()
- Set the mode of PUT and OTHER to PULLUP. Note: The order in which this is done matters.
- Wait 100 ms
- Get the values of the pins
Test 1
- Pin mode to set first: OTHER
- Constraints: . This should work using any two pins from 2 to 13
- Result
PUT. 1 (**incorrect**)
OTHER. 1 (correct)
Test 2
- Pin mode to set first: PUT
- Constraints: If PUT <= 7 then OTHER <= 7. If PUT >=8 then OTHER >= 8
- Result
PUT. 0 (correct)
OTHER. 1 (correct)
Test 3
- Pin mode to set first: PUT
- Constraints: If PUT <= 7 then OTHER >= 8. If PUT >=8 then OTHER <= 7
- Result
PUT. 1 (**incorrect**)
OTHER. 1 (correct)
Hi @dougmeredith, Thank you for reporting that. I will take a look at the issue.
Thanks! Just let me know if you need any more information, or if there is anything that you'd like for me to test.
I think it might be the same root cause as #55