poet icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
poet copied to clipboard

An emacs theme that's well suited for modes using variable pitch: particularly org-mode and markdown-mode.

#+TITLE: poet-theme [[https://melpa.org/#/poet-theme][https://melpa.org/packages/poet-theme-badge.svg]]

An emacs theme that's well suited for prose: particularly org-mode and markdown-mode; or any mode that works well with =variable-pitch= mode.

** Motivation The theme makes Emacs more friendly for writing prose instead of code. Highlights include mixing monospace and variable pitch text in markdown and org-modes, making it convenient to write prose and code together.

I wrote about building poet at https://explog.in/notes/poet.html.




** Set up

  • Installation:

    • Melpa: Make sure [[https://melpa.org/#/getting-started][melpa is in your package archives list]], and M-x =package-install poet-theme=
    • Manual: Download the theme to your =custom-theme-directory= which defaults to =~/emacs.d=.
  • Variable-pitch-mode: Adding variable pitch mode to text modes will help in rendering mixed fonts every time you edit markdown, org-mode, etc.

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp (add-hook 'text-mode-hook (lambda () (variable-pitch-mode 1))) #+END_SRC

  • Custom fonts: Choose your fonts/font sizes before loading the theme with

#+BEGIN_SRC elisp (set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono" :height 130) (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "DejaVu Sans Mono") (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family "IBM Plex Serif") #+END_SRC

  • Mac OSX Title Bar: (Only for Emacs 26.1+) #+begin_src elisp (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist'(ns-transparent-titlebar . t)) (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist'(ns-appearance . light)) #+end_src

** [[https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/9e01wf/share_your_modern_emacs/e5lpfmy/][Reddit]] reviews poet :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: reddit-reviews-poet :END:

#+CAPTION: Reddit [[https://github.com/kunalb/poet/raw/master/images/reddit.png]]

** Warning :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: warning :END:

  • Exclusively aimed at graphical emacs

** Next Steps :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: next-steps :END:

(No fixed timelines for these, depends on my time and motivation)

  • [X] Publish v1 to Melpa.
  • [X] Add more screenshots showing off different modes (particularly markdown)
  • [X] Evaluate & test github flavoured markdown in markdown-mode.
  • [X] Publish v2 to Melpa
  • [X] Create a poet-dark mode with a yellow/white/black scheme.
  • [X] Add a dark brown theme
  • [X] Add support for disabling variable font sizes.
  • [ ] Explore a new bolder version of poet.
  • [ ] Document support for additional modes.
  • [ ] Publish v3 to Melpa.

** More Screenshots :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: more-screenshots :END:

[[https://github.com/kunalb/poet/raw/master/images/org.png]] [[https://github.com/kunalb/poet/raw/master/images/md1.png]] [[https://github.com/kunalb/poet/raw/master/images/md2.png]]