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Neural variational inference and learning in undirected graphical models

Neural Variational Inference in Undirected Models

This repository contains code accompanying the paper

Neural variational inference and learning in undirected graphical models.
Volodymyr Kuleshov and Stefano Ermon.
Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017


The code uses Theano and Lasagne. To install this package, clone the git repo, and update your PYTHONPATH to include the folder.

git clone;
cd neural-variational-inference/;

Models and Datasets

The repository implements the following models:

  • vae: Regular variational autoencoder.
  • discrete-vae: Variational autoencoder with a Bernoulli(200) prior.
  • discrete-vae-rbm: Variational autoencoder with an RBM(64,8) prior, trained using neural variational inference.
  • adgm Auxiliary-variable deep generative model (ADGM; Malloe et al. 2016).
  • discrete-adgm: ADGM with a Bernoulli(200) prior.
  • discrete-adgm-rbm: ADGM with an RBM(64,8) prior,· trained using neural variational inference.
  • rbm: Regular Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) trained with persistent contrastive divergence.
  • vrbm: Variational RBM, i.e. RBM trained with neural variational infernce using a mixture of ten Bernoullis as the auxiliary helper distribution q.
  • avrbm: Auxiliary-variable Variational RBM, i.e. RBM trained with neural variational infernce using an auxiliary-variable distribution q(x,a) (parametrized with a neural network) as the helper distribution q.

The models can be run on the following datasets:

  • digits: The UCI digits dataset. Use this for the RBM models (otherwise you'll get numerical issues and will
  • mnist: Regular MNIST.
  • binmnist: Binarized MNIST, using the binarization from the IWAE (Burda et al.) paper.
  • omniglot: The Omniglot dataset.

The script takes these names as input.

Running the Code

To run a model, you may use the launch script.

usage: train [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--model MODEL] [--pkl PKL]
                    [-e EPOCHS] [-l LOGNAME] [-p PLOTNAME] [--alg ALG]
                    [--lr LR] [--b1 B1] [--b2 B2] [--n_batch N_BATCH]
                    [--n_superbatch N_SUPERBATCH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET
  --model MODEL
  --pkl PKL
  -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
  -l LOGNAME, --logname LOGNAME
  -p PLOTNAME, --plotname PLOTNAME
  --alg ALG
  --lr LR
  --b1 B1
  --b2 B2
  --n_batch N_BATCH
  --n_superbatch N_SUPERBATCH

The simplest way to use it is via the Makefile provided in the root dir; typing make train will start training. You can specify the model, dataset, and other parameters by modifying the defaults in the Makefile.

The default hyper-parameters on avrbm on the digits dataset are currently set incorrectly and are causing problems.


Send feedback to Volodymyr Kuleshov.