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List with podcasts related to software development.
Podcast Collection
I like podcasts because I can listen to it when I work, when I travel, when I drive or even in my free time. It is a good opportunity to gain new information and grow in any domain.
I decided to create a list with podcasts related to software development.
If your favorite podcast is not on the list or if you have any suggestion, feel free to create a pull request or send me an email to [email protected]. Thank you!
My favorites
# | Name | Lang | Link |
1 | Soft Skills Engineering | EN | https://softskills.audio/ |
2 | Level-up Engineering | EN | https://codingsans.com/engineering-management-podcast |
3 | Zero To Million SaaS Podcast | EN | https://www.zerotomillionsaas.com/ |
4 | StartUp by GIMLET | EN | https://gimletmedia.com/shows/startup |
5 | Y Combinator | EN | https://www.ycombinator.com/ |
6 | Simple Programmer | EN | https://simpleprogrammer.libsyn.com/podcast |
7 | Stack Overflow Podcast | EN | https://stackoverflow.blog/podcast/ |
8 | A Bit of Optimism w Simon Sinek | EN | https://simonsinek.com/podcast/ |
9 | WorkLife with Adam Grant | EN | https://www.adamgrant.net/podcast/ |
10 | Epict React Podcast | EN | https://epicreact.dev/podcast/ |
11 | The Diary Of A CEO | EN | https://stevenbartlett.com/the-diary-of-a-ceo-podcast |
12 | Bike Shed | EN | https://www.bikeshed.fm/ |
13 | The Rabbit Hole | EN | https://therabbithole.libsyn.com/ |
14 | The Tim Ferriss Show | EN | https://tim.blog/podcast/ |
15 | Beyond the To-Do List | EN | https://beyondthetodolist.com/ |
16 | Compiler by Red Hat | EN | https://www.redhat.com/en/compiler-podcast |
17 | a16z Podcast | EN | https://a16z.simplecast.com/ |
18 | MODERN WISDOM PODCAST | EN | https://chriswillx.com/podcast/ |
19 | Select* | EN | https://www.harperdb.io/blog-categories/podcast |
Other podcasts
# | Name | Lang | Link |
1 | Ship It! | EN | https://changelog.com/shipit/ |
2 | Developer Tea | EN | https://developertea.com |
3 | Complete developer podcast | EN | https://completedeveloperpodcast.com/ |
4 | Laracasts snippet | EN | https://laracasts.com/podcast |
5 | Syntax.fm | EN | https://syntax.fm/ |
6 | CodePen Radio | EN | https://blog.codepen.io/radio/ |
7 | ShopTalk Show | EN | https://shoptalkshow.com/ |
8 | No Progress | EN | https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/no-progress/id1515681912 |
9 | Changelog | EN | https://changelog.com/master |
10 | The Art of Product | EN | https://artofproductpodcast.com/ |
11 | Front End Happy Hour | EN | https://frontendhappyhour.com/ |
12 | Chats with Kent | EN | https://kentcdodds.com/chats-with-kent-podcast/ |
13 | .Net Rocks | EN | https://www.dotnetrocks.com/ |
14 | Hanselminutes | EN | https://hanselminutes.com/ |
15 | Merge Conflict | EN | https://mergeconflict.fm |
16 | Code Newbie | EN | https://codenewbie.org/podcast |
17 | Knee Deep in Tech | EN | https://kneedeepintech.com |
18 | Herding Code | EN | https://herdingcode.com |
19 | Software Engineering Radio | EN | https://se-radio.net |
20 | Codurance Talks | EN | https://www.codurance.com/publications/tag/podcasts |
21 | AskDeveloper Podcast | AR | https://bit.ly/3aUu4rm |
22 | Engineer Soft Skills | EN | https://spoti.fi/3BEdc4u |
23 | Dev Café. | FR | https://dev-cafe.fr/. |
24 | Rebels Deconstructed | EN | https://open.spotify.com/show/2ni3IHiiqVjpgQkA7lLFc1 |
25 | Yegor Bugayenko | EN | https://soundcloud.com/yegor256 |