eclipser copied to clipboard
Eclipser is an IntelliJ plugin. It converts Eclipse launch configurations into IntelliJ IDEA run configurations.
Eclipser will automatically convert Eclipse launch configurations into IntelliJ IDEA configurations:
- local Java application Eclipse launcher into run configuration
- remote Java application Eclipse launcher into remote run configuration
- program launch Eclipse launcher into external tool in Tools menu
- Maven launch configuration into Maven run configuration
- Ant launch configuration into Ant target run configuration
How to use:
- Eclipser is available in Project and Commander views.
- Context menu for supported launch files will contain "Convert with Eclipser" item.
Functionality limitations:
- Current support for one Eclipse macro only:
- $workspace_loc
- Eclipse UI launch configuration is not supported:
- org.eclipse.pde.ui.RuntimeWorkbench
Known issues:
- None
- Plugin is currently in beta. Please report any errors and suggestions to the link below.
- Email: [email protected]
- Support tickets:
For developers:
- The project has dependency on Maven, Properties and Ant plugins. They all included with the project.
- If you are developing in IntelliJ Ultimate, you have to add Netty jar from lib/netty as project library.
- You will have to redefine
IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK
location once you open the project.