avod copied to clipboard
Hope to get a trained weight file
Because there are not enough conditions to train such a large project, I hope to observe the test results first. At the time of the test, there is a lack of "checkpoint" folder, which should be the result of training, so I want to know where to download, thank you very much.
You can download from following link: http://talk.strangeai.pro/topic/58/avod-car-pretrained-model%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5
How do you observe the test results with the trained checkpoint? I downloaded the file and ran the demo script show_predictions_2d.py ,but it didn't work and showed the error below: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/usv/avod/avod/data/outputs/avod_cars_example/predictions/proposals_and_scores/val'
You can download from following link: http://talk.strangeai.pro/topic/58/avod-car-pretrained-model%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5
Can I get pretrained model on google dive or by mail.
You can download from following link: http://talk.strangeai.pro/topic/58/avod-car-pretrained-model%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E9%93%BE%E6%8E%A5
Hi, thanks for your sharing. I am working on running the code, may I ask if you can send the pretrained model via my emai box: [email protected]
Your email and reply are pretty appreciated. Thanks!