
Results 152 comments of Kuitos

We made this change via https://github.com/kuitos/axios-extensions/issues/72 BTW which way u used with axios-extensions? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5206843/83371010-a642d680-a3f3-11ea-9380-131702b2dd75.png) If you used it with a script tag, we may need to change the rollup config...

Sorry I didn't quite catch your meaning, could u pls provide a minimal reproduction? If you wanna clear all the cache, u could define a custom cache by yourself and...

It prefer to provide the upper ability in your own application but not the underlying library. duplicated with https://github.com/kuitos/axios-extensions/issues/52

Sorry for my mistake. U could wrap your request method, and makes them do a background forceUpdate after every call. eg. ```js async function request() { const res = await...


Could u pls provide a minimum reproduction with codesandbox?

That is because mobx-vue do not modify/wrap the original vue computed definition, so the mobx observable is not recognized by vue thus mobx changes will not trigger vue data reevaluation....

yes it is possible and not very complicated. But if we convert vue computed into mobx computed as the first step, it means we should take over the whole vue...

reopen this issue, try to find a solvable way