Egor Gorbachev

Results 28 comments of Egor Gorbachev

@Aleksandern Unfortunately I am not familiar with this tool as well as React Native development in general.

I encountered the same problem. Enabling MobX's strict mode fixed the problem. Pretty sure this issue can be closed.

@colshrapnel Второй пример и не нужно рекомендовать, это использование исключений для control flow, что является антипаттерном: Такой код лучше на if'ы переписать. В Webstorm даже инспекция такая по умолчанию...

Agree with @yousfiSaad Insert mode does the job and doesn't require any config modification. I believe the issue can be closed.

Hi, thanks for the reproduction. I've removed React.ForwardRefExoticComponent but it didn't help. [Link]( The `arg` type is still any: Could you elaborate why do you need making `observer` part of...

Hi, could you describe the necessity of that change?

I'd say that both `useState` and `useRef` are appropriate here because they remember their data after re-renders. The approach with `useRef` is just more verbose (hence more bytes in the...

@jamieathans Does the issue exist in a fresh up-to-date Next.js setup?

Please create a runnable reproduction using codesandbox. Here is an example of Mobx + React 18 that shows no warnings:

@urugator Should I keep this behavior? There is an opinion to not commit lock file at all for libraries: