kubekey copied to clipboard
vxlan+directRouting mode doesn't work coz the template here doesn't hv the directRouting option potion to ref the variables.
I follow the issue to revise the yaml as following:
plugin: flannel
backendMode: vxlan # [vxlan | ipip | host-gw] [Default: vxlan]
directRouting: true
but as per the flannel log. it still is runs as DirectRouting=false
liuqd@k8-lb:~/.kube$ kubectl logs kube-flannel-ds-5zbkl -n kube-system
I0407 15:24:37.191067 1 main.go:211] CLI flags config: {etcdEndpoints:, etcdPrefix:/coreos.com/network etcdKeyfile: etcdCertfile: etcdCAFile: etcdUsername: etcdPassword: version:false kubeSubnetMgr:true kubeApiUrl: kubeAnnotationPrefix:flannel.alpha.coreos.com kubeConfigFile: iface:[] ifaceRegex:[] ipMasq:true ifaceCanReach: subnetFile:/run/flannel/subnet.env publicIP: publicIPv6: subnetLeaseRenewMargin:60 healthzIP: healthzPort:0 iptablesResyncSeconds:5 iptablesForwardRules:true netConfPath:/etc/kube-flannel/net-conf.json setNodeNetworkUnavailable:true useMultiClusterCidr:false}
W0407 15:24:37.191126 1 client_config.go:617] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
I0407 15:24:37.290332 1 kube.go:144] Waiting 10m0s for node controller to sync
I0407 15:24:37.290451 1 kube.go:485] Starting kube subnet manager
I0407 15:24:37.510115 1 kube.go:506] Creating the node lease for IPv4. This is the n.Spec.PodCIDRs: []
I0407 15:24:38.293257 1 kube.go:151] Node controller sync successful
I0407 15:24:38.293282 1 main.go:231] Created subnet manager: Kubernetes Subnet Manager - k8-master1
I0407 15:24:38.293285 1 main.go:234] Installing signal handlers
I0407 15:24:38.293918 1 main.go:542] Found network config - Backend type: vxlan
I0407 15:24:38.294095 1 match.go:206] Determining IP address of default interface
I0407 15:24:38.294791 1 match.go:259] Using interface with name ens192 and address
I0407 15:24:38.294882 1 match.go:281] Defaulting external address to interface address (
I0407 15:24:38.294970 1 vxlan.go:140] VXLAN config: VNI=1 Port=0 GBP=false Learning=false DirectRouting=false
I0407 15:24:38.295635 1 kube.go:506] Creating the node lease for IPv4. This is the n.Spec.PodCIDRs: []
I0407 15:24:38.320450 1 kube.go:506] Creating the node lease for IPv4. This is the n.Spec.PodCIDRs: []
I0407 15:24:38.322945 1 kube.go:506] Creating the node lease for IPv4. This is the n.Spec.PodCIDRs: []
W0407 15:24:38.325749 1 main.go:595] no subnet found for key: FLANNEL_SUBNET in file: /run/flannel/subnet.env
I0407 15:24:38.325852 1 main.go:481] Current network or subnet (, is not equal to previous one (,, trying to recycle old iptables rules
I0407 15:24:38.686224 1 main.go:356] Setting up masking rules
I0407 15:24:38.688847 1 main.go:407] Changing default FORWARD chain policy to ACCEPT
I0407 15:24:38.784361 1 iptables.go:274] generated 7 rules