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[test run details] Implement Trace mode

Open jorgeepc opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Context: as part of v0.7 we want to improve the UX/UI around the Test Run Details page.

Objective: the goal of this ticket is to implement the new Trace mode.

AC1 As a user in the Trace mode, I want to see two visualization option (Graph and Timeline), so I can understand my trace using any of the representations.

AC2 As a user in the Trace mode, I want to Search in the trace using a text term, so I can see which spans have matches.

AC3 As a user in the Trace mode, I want to type a query using the Selector Language, so I can see which spans are selected by the query. I should be able to navigate through the spans in the trace.

AC4 As a user in the Trace mode, I want to select a specific Span, so I can see the attributes associated with the span.

jorgeepc avatar Aug 15 '22 20:08 jorgeepc