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[website] Content improvements

Open jorgeepc opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments


Hero section:

  • Update the style of the Documentation button. Now it has a transparent background and seems to be disabled.
  • Link the Get Tracetest button directly to the Readme
  • Update the sub-heading text to match our new goal (socialize the new slogan with the leadership team).
  • Redo the Intro video.

Value proposition section:

  • Add a value proposition about the CLI.
  • Change: "less technical users can create tests".
  • Make it clear that we work with your existing tools.
  • Include the term trace based testing. We want to position Tracetest as a trace based testing tool.

New section: How does Tracetest work?

  • Explain how it works with an illustration/animation.

New section: Backends we support:

  • Add a section with the backends (trace datastores) we support.

Quotes section:

  • Get more quotes. 😅

jorgeepc avatar Aug 08 '22 18:08 jorgeepc



  • Update the style of the Documentation button. Now it has a transparent background and seems to be disabled. has been created to attend to that.

  • Link the Get Tracetest button directly to the Readme DONE

  • Update the sub-heading text to match our new goal (socialize the new slogan with the leadership team). Tell us the new slogan when you have it crafted...!

  • Redo the Intro video. Supply the new YouTube URL when you have it uploaded. Be sure to work with Kei M if you need help in production. Tina can help with video too if needed of course.

  • Add a value proposition about the CLI. Looking forward to the new content. Reach out for help for word-smithing and visuals if you need.

  • Change: "less technical users can create tests". What will it be changed to ...?

  • Make it clear that we work with your existing tools. If the existing tools are recognizable, this might be an opportunity for a band of icons of technologies we integrate with.

  • Include the term trace based testing. We want to position Tracetest as a trace based testing tool. Grammar remark: There needs to be a hyphen on Trace-based testing. :-) Happy to insert, please provide the new copy when you are ready.

  • New section: How does Tracetest work? When you say "section" you mean a new sub-page (e.g. trace, correct? All in all: great!

  • Explain how it works with an illustration/animation. Please rough out a sketch that we can clean up and have you check for technical accuracy.

  • Add a section with the backends (trace datastores) we support. Again "section" means new sub-page (e.g. trace, yes? Just making sure.

All in all, when ready to move on these website items, just spin up Jira tasks here and the Design team will get updated accordingly. Thank you.

DigitalH2Ofall avatar Aug 22 '22 13:08 DigitalH2Ofall

Old... closing

kdhamric avatar Jan 04 '23 23:01 kdhamric