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fix TestNetworkPlugins tests for Linux with Docker driver

Open prezha opened this issue 2 years ago • 79 comments


initial goal

reduce flakiness of Docker_Linux tests

initial analysis & conclusion

tests are actually mostly ok, we have some real issues

redefined goal

find & fix the issues


  • Docker_Linux tests: all pass/green
  • KVM_Linux tests: all pass/green
  • Docker_Cloud_Shell tests: all pass/green
  • Hyperkit_macOS tests: all pass/green
  • Docker_Linux_containerd tests: all but one pass (TestPreload)
  • KVM_Linux_containerd tests: all but two pass (TestPreload and TestStoppedBinaryUpgrade/Upgrade - fixed but not yet committed)

a bit more details & context

i've spent some time trying to figure out why all the tests are consistently passing on my machine but then just failing when run on ci/jenkins

spoiler: as it turns out, it all mostly boils down to inconsistent cgroups across the "stack" and also how CNIs and CRs play (or not!) together

part of the conclusion from that "investigation" was completely unexpected and surprising (to me, at least) discovery that we have ci/jenkins agents with different configurations! here the difference is not just in ServerVersion but also in the CgroupDriver used inside the os (ie, how the agent machine was booted) - examples:


I1215 02:07:39.609753   11500 info.go:266] docker info: {ID:TS6T:UINC:MIYS:RZPA:KS6T:4JQK:7JHN:D6RA:LDP2:MHAE:G32M:C5NQ Containers:0 ContainersRunning:0 ContainersPaused:0 ContainersStopped:0 Images:4 Driver:overlay2 DriverStatus:[[Backing Filesystem extfs] [Supports d_type true] [Native Overlay Diff true] [userxattr false]] SystemStatus:<nil> Plugins:{Volume:[local] Network:[bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay] Authorization:<nil> Log:[awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog]} MemoryLimit:true SwapLimit:true KernelMemory:true KernelMemoryTCP:true CPUCfsPeriod:true CPUCfsQuota:true CPUShares:true CPUSet:true PidsLimit:true IPv4Forwarding:true BridgeNfIptables:true BridgeNfIP6Tables:true Debug:false NFd:24 OomKillDisable:true NGoroutines:34 SystemTime:2022-12-15 02:07:39.535647944 +0000 UTC LoggingDriver:json-file CgroupDriver:cgroupfs NEventsListener:0 KernelVersion:5.15.0-1025-gcp OperatingSystem:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS OSType:linux Architecture:x86_64 IndexServerAddress: RegistryConfig:{AllowNondistributableArtifactsCIDRs:[] AllowNondistributableArtifactsHostnames:[] InsecureRegistryCIDRs:[] IndexConfigs:{DockerIo:{ Mirrors:[] Secure:true Official:true}} Mirrors:[]} NCPU:8 MemTotal:33660665856 GenericResources:<nil> DockerRootDir:/var/lib/docker HTTPProxy: HTTPSProxy: NoProxy: Name:ubuntu-20-agent-3 Labels:[] ExperimentalBuild:false ServerVersion:20.10.21 ClusterStore: ClusterAdvertise: Runtimes:{Runc:{Path:runc}} DefaultRuntime:runc Swarm:{NodeID: NodeAddr: LocalNodeState:inactive ControlAvailable:false Error: RemoteManagers:<nil>} LiveRestoreEnabled:false Isolation: InitBinary:docker-init ContainerdCommit:{ID:a05d175400b1145e5e6a735a6710579d181e7fb0 Expected:a05d175400b1145e5e6a735a6710579d181e7fb0} RuncCommit:{ID:v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d Expected:v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d} InitCommit:{ID:de40ad0 Expected:de40ad0} SecurityOptions:[name=apparmor name=seccomp,profile=default] ProductLicense: Warnings:<nil> ServerErrors:[] ClientInfo:{Debug:false Plugins:[map[Experimental:true Name:app Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-app SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker App Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.9.1-beta3] map[Name:buildx Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Buildx Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.9.1-docker] map[Name:compose Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Compose Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v2.12.2] map[Name:scan Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-scan SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Scan Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.21.0]] Warnings:<nil>}}


I1219 20:54:45.962607   10285 info.go:266] docker info: {ID:TS6T:UINC:MIYS:RZPA:KS6T:4JQK:7JHN:D6RA:LDP2:MHAE:G32M:C5NQ Containers:0 ContainersRunning:0 ContainersPaused:0 ContainersStopped:0 Images:4 Driver:overlay2 DriverStatus:[[Backing Filesystem extfs] [Supports d_type true] [Native Overlay Diff true] [userxattr false]] SystemStatus:<nil> Plugins:{Volume:[local] Network:[bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay] Authorization:<nil> Log:[awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog]} MemoryLimit:true SwapLimit:true KernelMemory:true KernelMemoryTCP:true CPUCfsPeriod:true CPUCfsQuota:true CPUShares:true CPUSet:true PidsLimit:true IPv4Forwarding:true BridgeNfIptables:true BridgeNfIP6Tables:true Debug:false NFd:24 OomKillDisable:true NGoroutines:34 SystemTime:2022-12-19 20:54:45.130424738 +0000 UTC LoggingDriver:json-file CgroupDriver:systemd NEventsListener:0 KernelVersion:5.15.0-1025-gcp OperatingSystem:Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS OSType:linux Architecture:x86_64 IndexServerAddress: RegistryConfig:{AllowNondistributableArtifactsCIDRs:[] AllowNondistributableArtifactsHostnames:[] InsecureRegistryCIDRs:[] IndexConfigs:{DockerIo:{ Mirrors:[] Secure:true Official:true}} Mirrors:[]} NCPU:8 MemTotal:33660669952 GenericResources:<nil> DockerRootDir:/var/lib/docker HTTPProxy: HTTPSProxy: NoProxy: Name:ubuntu-20-agent-14 Labels:[] ExperimentalBuild:false ServerVersion:20.10.22 ClusterStore: ClusterAdvertise: Runtimes:{Runc:{Path:runc}} DefaultRuntime:runc Swarm:{NodeID: NodeAddr: LocalNodeState:inactive ControlAvailable:false Error: RemoteManagers:<nil>} LiveRestoreEnabled:false Isolation: InitBinary:docker-init ContainerdCommit:{ID:78f51771157abb6c9ed224c22013cdf09962315d Expected:78f51771157abb6c9ed224c22013cdf09962315d} RuncCommit:{ID:v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d Expected:v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d} InitCommit:{ID:de40ad0 Expected:de40ad0} SecurityOptions:[name=apparmor name=seccomp,profile=default] ProductLicense: Warnings:<nil> ServerErrors:[] ClientInfo:{Debug:false Plugins:[map[Experimental:true Name:app Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-app SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker App Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.9.1-beta3] map[Name:buildx Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Buildx Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.9.1-docker] map[Name:compose Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Compose Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v2.14.1] map[Name:scan Path:/usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-scan SchemaVersion:0.1.0 ShortDescription:Docker Scan Vendor:Docker Inc. Version:v0.23.0]] Warnings:<nil>}}

while i couldn't change/affect the ServerVersion, i went on and made minikube auto-adaptable to the underlying cgroup(s) driver, and that helped eliminate some of the "flakiness" but also hopefully made minikube more "robust" in terms of the "flavours" of os/settings our users have sounds like good timing as well, since k8s now recommends using systemd as the default cgroup driver, and with this, we shouldn't have much to change additionally going forward

code fixes and improvements (candidates for individual PRs - next steps)

  • cgroup(s) driver: auto-detect on linux (defaulting to cgroupfs/v1 for non-linux) and auto-configure all components accordingly
  • CNIs and CRs: refactored (again!) how those work together and also removed the need to use/have custom /etc/cni/ dir for CRs and CNIs (note: that dir should be removed from our "distro", as it confuses containerd thinking it's default one to look into; until then, there's a "hack" that removes it)
  • container runtimes: ensured containerd is also properly configured when docker is selected as container runtime (and bound to it)
  • network - cni/localhost: automatically fix the missing name and update to the now-expected version (v1.0.0)
  • network - cni/bridge: automatically mask all default bridges when cni is used and auto-fix subnet to use DefaultPodCIDR and appropriate gateway (instead of default 10.8x.0.0) otherwise - when default bridge should be used
  • network: improved detection and reservation of free subnet, so it works across processes (and not just locally) - reduced possibility of collisions and thus the time needed to pick actually free subnet (also avoid giving up after 5 failed attempts)
  • network - cni/flannel: updated to the latest v1.1.2/v0.20.2 and moved manifest out from "code" to embedding separate yaml manifest file
  • network - cni/calico: updated to the latest v3.24.5
  • general: prevent race condition over multiple minikube instances rewriting shared "ca-certs" using locks, that was causing some auth issues before
  • network: made hair-pin work (now configurable in kubelet config) - also for tests
  • general: made kubelet respect custom runtimeRequestTimeout, so eg, it doesn't CrashLoopBackOff on pulling larger images after "hardcoded" default of 5mins (now configurable in kubelet config; note: "runtime-request-timeout" it's not supported as kubelet param anymore, so i moved it to config)

hacks (that should be replaced with proper "distribution" updates!)

used to eliminate some of the "known issues" with the upstreams:

  • cri-docker: use v0.2.6
  • containerd: use v1.6.14
  • contained: change systemd service to use KillMode=process (in line with all other container runtimes) so it doesn't restart containers when the service itself is restarted
  • remove '/etc/cni/' dir

a number of other minor tweaks, additions and fixes

eg, timeouts, juju packages updates, comments, docs, spellings, etc.

tests fixes and improvements

  • TestStartStop: this one was a pain to discover - we used as kubeadm.pod-network-cidr that overlapped with all other "standard" network subnets we use; that is fixed now
  • fixed TestJSONOutput when unexpected but still valid cases of out-of-order events occur (due to goroutines finishing at different times)
  • updated "netcat" deployment to use the latest dnsutils/agnhost image v2.40
  • GCPAuth addon test skipped until 'Permission "artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts" denied on resource "projects/k8s-minikube/locations/us/repositories/test-artifacts" (or it may not exist)' issue is resolved; => here, the issue actually might be in os.Setenv("MOCK_GOOGLE_TOKEN", "true") and we just need to address that -

Setting the environment variable MOCK_GOOGLE_TOKEN to true will prevent using the google application credentials to fetch the token used for the image pull secret. Instead the token will be mocked.

  • ensure tests have unique but still short "random" names (previously, it was based on the second they've started, which could lead to potential conflicts)
  • added a number of additional debug logs collected for TestNetworkPlugins (can be removed/suspended now)

general notes

  • optimising the code flow resulted in an overall reduction of tests' duration but
  • in the current pr, in addition to the hacks above (that take additional time to download and replace binaries), there are also some additional "waits" i've implemented to force staging of phases and make debugging easier (so, eg, i've implemented additional "Ready" method for CNIs to wait for and only continue once they are ready, and also WaitForPods is waiting for them to become Ready not just Running) - that's the reason why we see "longer" times for 'minikube start' and 'enable ingress'; those extra "waits" should not be necessary in "production" after other fixes i've made, while we can improve how we check/wait for different resources health (but that's another topic)


the goal of this pr is to see if we can reduce the rate of errors and flakes with the TestNetworkPlugins test group with the linux+docker combo

locally, these tests all pass (TestNetworkPlugins-linux+docker.log), and if ci_cd tests show similar, we might want to breakdown these into separate PRs

key points:

  • starting from scratch (ie, no images cached lcoally) - avoid race condition overwriting minikube's certs (should fix relevant flake with other tests as well)
    • unauthorised (as a consequence of the previous point) is a non-retryable error - fail fast w/o retrying example:
I1204 12:52:01.424956 2504034 certs.go:54] Setting up /home/prezha/.minikube/profiles/custom-flannel-124934 for IP:
I1204 12:52:01.424999 2504034 certs.go:187] generating minikubeCA CA: /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.key
I1204 12:52:01.543493 2504034 crypto.go:156] Writing cert to /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.crt ...
I1204 12:52:01.435619 2504033 certs.go:54] Setting up /home/prezha/.minikube/profiles/bridge-124934 for IP:
I1204 12:52:01.435645 2504033 certs.go:187] generating minikubeCA CA: /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.key
I1204 12:52:01.647799 2504033 crypto.go:156] Writing cert to /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.crt ...
I1204 12:52:01.443825 2504037 certs.go:54] Setting up /home/prezha/.minikube/profiles/flannel-124934 for IP:
I1204 12:52:01.443859 2504037 certs.go:187] generating minikubeCA CA: /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.key
I1204 12:52:01.781017 2504037 crypto.go:156] Writing cert to /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.crt ...
I1204 12:52:01.444867 2504029 certs.go:54] Setting up /home/prezha/.minikube/profiles/auto-124934 for IP:
I1204 12:52:01.444891 2504029 certs.go:187] generating minikubeCA CA: /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.key
I1204 12:52:01.521760 2504029 crypto.go:156] Writing cert to /home/prezha/.minikube/ca.crt ...

just to fail afterwards:

W1204 12:54:30.228254 2504033 out.go:239] X Exiting due to GUEST_START: wait 10m0s for node: waiting for node to be ready: waitNodeCondition: error getting node "bridge-124934": Unauthorized
W1204 12:54:33.471702 2504037 out.go:239] X Exiting due to GUEST_START: wait 10m0s for node: waiting for node to be ready: waitNodeCondition: error getting node "flannel-124934": Unauthorized
W1204 12:54:33.496623 2504029 out.go:239] X Exiting due to GUEST_START: wait 10m0s for node: waiting for node to be ready: waitNodeCondition: error getting node "auto-124934": Unauthorized
W1204 12:54:34.868234 2504030 out.go:239] X Exiting due to GUEST_START: wait 10m0s for node: waiting for node to be ready: waitNodeCondition: error getting node "kindnet-124934": Unauthorized
  • "mask" cri-o bridge for all CNIs as it interferes with others
  • give loopback a name (as reported by @STRRL in with the pr still pending in cri-o) - example of errors resolved:
Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = [failed to set up sandbox container "..." network for pod "...": networkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "..." network: missing network name:,


failed to clean up sandbox container "..." network for pod "...": networkPlugin cni failed to teardown pod "..." network: missing network name]
  • kubenet also needs the cni (eg, bridge) to support hairpin mode
  • updated calico to the latest version
  • updated flannel to the latest version and extracted k8s manifests from code to a separate file that's then embedded
    • solved: "iptables v1.8.3 (legacy): Couldn't load target `CNI-x': No such file or directory" => enabled TestNetworkPlugins for docker + flannel
  • increased download timeout for k8s binaries
  • increased tests' memory and wait timeout to avoid weird issues with constraint resources
  • updated juju packages to the latest version - ours are ~3 years old

prezha avatar Dec 05 '22 01:12 prezha

Skipping CI for Draft Pull Request. If you want CI signal for your change, please convert it to an actual PR. You can still manually trigger a test run with /test all

k8s-ci-robot avatar Dec 05 '22 01:12 k8s-ci-robot


prezha avatar Dec 05 '22 02:12 prezha

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.1s    | 54.4s               |
| enable ingress | 27.3s    | 26.4s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.5s 53.7s 54.7s 54.0s 53.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 55.2s 54.8s 55.6s 53.2s 53.1s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.1s 27.2s 24.2s 28.2s 28.6s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 24.2s 27.7s 24.1s 28.6s 27.6s

docker driver with docker runtime error collecting results for docker driver: timing run 0 with minikube: timing cmd: [out/minikube addons enable ingress]: waiting for minikube: exit status 10 docker driver with containerd runtime error downloading artifacts: artifact download start: exit status 90

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 05 '22 04:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestMultiNode/serial/StartAfterStop (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Windows TestPause/serial/Pause (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/parallel/ConfigCmd (gopogh) 0.64 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestNoKubernetes/serial/StartWithK8s (gopogh) 1.34 (chart)
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 1.41 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/NetCatPod (gopogh) 3.70 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 19.18 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestStartStop/group/newest-cni/serial/Pause (gopogh) 28.89 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 67.48 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 69.83 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 71.11 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 79.26 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 80.74 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 80.74 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/DNS (gopogh) 83.70 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 96.43 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressDNSAddonActivation (gopogh) 97.93 (chart)
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 98.59 (chart)
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 99.30 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestKubernetesUpgrade (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestPreload (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressAddonActivation (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressAddons (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/StartLegacyK8sCluster (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestKubernetesUpgrade (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 05 '22 13:12 minikube-pr-bot


I still see the failures... on Docker_linux

medyagh avatar Dec 07 '22 00:12 medyagh

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.5s    | 54.3s               |
| enable ingress | 26.1s    | 26.3s               |

Times for minikube ingress: 25.6s 24.1s 27.1s 25.7s 28.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 23.6s 25.2s 28.7s 28.7s 25.1s

Times for minikube start: 56.0s 55.5s 54.1s 53.4s 53.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 55.4s 53.9s 54.3s 54.4s 53.6s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 25.9s    | 26.1s               |
| enable ingress | 20.6s    | 20.9s               |

Times for minikube start: 27.5s 25.8s 25.5s 25.2s 25.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 26.1s 28.5s 24.9s 24.9s 26.0s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.0s 19.9s 21.5s 19.9s 20.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 18.9s 22.9s 21.5s 19.4s 22.0s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 22.3s    | 24.1s               |
| enable ingress | 29.4s    | 26.4s               |

Times for minikube start: 21.7s 21.6s 24.2s 22.7s 21.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 21.7s 22.5s 32.4s 22.3s 21.8s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 43.4s 26.4s 24.4s 26.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 26.4s 26.5s 26.4s 26.5s 26.4s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 01:12 minikube-pr-bot


I still see the failures... on Docker_linux

yep, i've created a draft pr to test initial fixes, some other issues surfaced - should be further improved with the commit i just made, we'll see

prezha avatar Dec 07 '22 01:12 prezha

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 55.6s    | 53.8s               |
| enable ingress | 27.6s    | 26.5s               |

Times for minikube ingress: 28.2s 27.7s 26.6s 23.7s 31.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 28.7s 24.7s 24.2s 27.7s 27.2s

Times for minikube start: 54.0s 57.3s 54.9s 57.0s 54.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 54.0s 53.9s 53.5s 53.5s 54.0s

docker driver with docker runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 26.0s    | 26.8s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 19.7s    | 27.0s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 25.7s 26.6s 26.6s 24.7s 26.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.8s 24.4s 28.9s 28.9s 25.8s

Times for minikube ingress: 19.4s 20.4s 18.4s 21.0s 19.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 50.0s 21.5s 22.5s 20.4s 20.5s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 21.7s    | 22.8s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 26.4s    | 40.1s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 22.3s 22.0s 21.5s 21.2s 21.2s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 22.6s 24.8s 22.2s 22.2s 22.1s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 32.4s 31.0s 26.9s 31.5s 79.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 02:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/EnableAddonWhileActive (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 33.93 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 33.93 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 33.93 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 34.82 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 34.82 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 34.82 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 35.96 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 36.21 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 40.18 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 40.18 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 40.18 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 42.24 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/RestartMultiNode (gopogh) 42.48 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 42.48 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 67.48 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 69.23 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 80.58 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 07:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestAddons/Setup (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
none_Linux TestAddons/parallel/MetricsServer (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 1.33 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/kindnet/DNS (gopogh) 4.46 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/AddonExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 18.83 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/EnableAddonAfterStop (gopogh) 19.35 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 19.35 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/Stop (gopogh) 19.35 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 19.35 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 22.15 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/RestartKeepsNodes (gopogh) 60.69 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 67.74 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 69.49 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 96.46 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressDNSAddonActivation (gopogh) 99.31 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 10:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 55.5s    | 54.3s               |
| enable ingress | 28.1s    | 26.5s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.9s 56.2s 53.7s 55.1s 57.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 53.9s 55.2s 54.7s 54.3s 53.7s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.2s 27.1s 28.7s 28.6s 27.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 28.2s 25.1s 28.2s 25.7s 25.2s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 26.9s    | 26.6s               |
| enable ingress | 32.5s    | 26.9s               |

Times for minikube ingress: 80.9s 20.0s 21.0s 19.5s 20.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 20.5s 49.9s 19.5s 24.0s 20.5s

Times for minikube start: 28.3s 27.0s 25.7s 24.9s 28.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 24.8s 27.9s 24.3s 27.8s 27.9s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 23.9s    | 22.4s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 26.3s    | 53.9s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube ingress: 26.5s 26.4s 25.9s 26.4s 26.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 81.4s 46.4s 31.4s 30.9s 79.5s

Times for minikube start: 21.6s 20.9s 22.3s 32.2s 22.3s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 24.4s 21.6s 21.8s 22.4s 22.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 11:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.1s    | 54.6s               |
| enable ingress | 27.7s    | 26.8s               |

Times for minikube start: 53.4s 53.2s 54.4s 54.7s 54.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 54.9s 54.2s 55.6s 54.0s 54.2s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.2s 28.2s 27.1s 27.2s 27.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 25.1s 30.7s 25.2s 28.7s 24.2s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 25.6s    | 26.6s               |
| enable ingress | 33.0s    | 21.5s               |

Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 27.6s 25.0s 28.3s 26.4s 25.7s Times for minikube start: 25.4s 25.6s 25.7s 27.7s 23.8s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.9s 20.4s 22.0s 81.0s 19.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 21.5s 20.4s 24.9s 20.4s 20.5s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 25.6s    | 25.3s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 26.4s    | 38.9s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 18.9s 32.5s 79.4s 31.4s 32.4s Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.5s 26.4s

Times for minikube start: 32.9s 23.8s 24.7s 22.4s 24.3s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 21.1s 25.1s 22.9s 21.9s 35.4s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 13:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestMissingContainerUpgrade (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 34.78 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 34.78 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 35.65 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 35.65 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 35.65 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 36.75 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 36.97 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 40.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 40.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 42.86 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/RestartKeepsNodes (gopogh) 61.49 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 67.72 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 69.17 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 80.42 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 81.82 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 81.82 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/DNS (gopogh) 85.31 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/NetCatPod (gopogh) 92.86 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 96.52 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressDNSAddonActivation (gopogh) 99.32 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 17:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.3s    | 54.0s               |
| enable ingress | 26.6s    | 26.2s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.6s 54.5s 55.4s 52.9s 54.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 53.6s 52.0s 53.5s 56.0s 54.8s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.1s 27.7s 27.6s 24.7s 25.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 24.6s 24.1s 25.1s 29.7s 27.6s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 24.8s    | 25.9s               |
| enable ingress | 26.9s    | 26.4s               |

Times for minikube ingress: 48.9s 21.5s 21.4s 20.9s 21.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 20.9s 20.0s 50.0s 19.9s 20.9s

Times for minikube start: 24.6s 25.2s 25.6s 24.1s 24.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.2s 25.1s 25.7s 27.6s 25.9s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 24.4s    | 22.2s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 26.3s    | 50.9s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 25.2s 32.7s 21.6s 21.4s 21.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 24.4s 22.1s 22.5s 20.8s 21.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 25.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 31.4s 79.4s 32.4s 79.4s 31.5s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 18:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 35.34 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 35.34 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 36.21 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 36.21 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/UserAppExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 36.21 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/old-k8s-version/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 37.29 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 37.50 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 41.38 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 41.38 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/RestartMultiNode (gopogh) 43.04 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 43.33 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 67.97 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 69.42 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 70.14 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 07 '22 21:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestMultiNode/serial/StartAfterStop (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestPause/serial/Pause (gopogh) n/a
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/RestartMultiNode (gopogh) 31.69 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 43.71 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 68.85 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 70.18 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 81.02 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 82.48 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 82.48 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/DNS (gopogh) 86.13 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/NetCatPod (gopogh) 94.74 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) 96.33 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressDNSAddonActivation (gopogh) 99.30 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestKubernetesUpgrade (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 08 '22 03:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 55.5s    | 53.8s               |
| enable ingress | 27.3s    | 27.1s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.5s 55.0s 54.6s 57.4s 56.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 54.1s 53.2s 53.6s 54.9s 53.1s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.7s 28.2s 24.6s 27.2s 27.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 27.6s 28.6s 29.6s 25.6s 24.2s

docker driver with docker runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 25.7s    | 25.2s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 20.1s    | 51.6s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 25.3s 23.8s 25.2s 28.8s 25.2s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 23.6s 24.8s 25.2s 27.2s 25.4s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.0s 19.0s 19.5s 20.4s 20.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 22.9s 49.4s 82.0s 22.4s 81.4s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 22.0s    | 38.0s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 26.4s    | 6.8s                |

Times for minikube start: 20.9s 24.9s 22.0s 21.3s 20.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 38.5s 41.1s 34.1s 38.7s 37.4s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 6.0s 6.0s 8.1s 8.1s 6.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 09 '22 03:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/ControllerPod (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/serial/LogsFileCmd (gopogh) 1.96 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 16.07 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/RestartMultiNode (gopogh) 30.56 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 44.04 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/DNS (gopogh) 50.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 67.86 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 69.35 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 80.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 82.96 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 82.96 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/DNS (gopogh) 86.67 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestKubernetesUpgrade (gopogh) 100.00 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 09 '22 10:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.2s    | 54.7s               |
| enable ingress | 27.0s    | 26.6s               |

Times for minikube ingress: 29.2s 24.7s 27.7s 27.7s 25.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 28.2s 25.7s 28.2s 25.2s 25.7s

Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 53.1s 54.9s 55.2s 54.7s 55.6s Times for minikube start: 53.8s 53.4s 54.2s 55.1s 54.4s

docker driver with docker runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start    | 26.5s    | 25.0s               |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 21.1s    | 32.5s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 27.5s 25.3s 28.2s 26.1s 25.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.0s 25.4s 24.9s 25.3s 24.6s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.0s 22.0s 20.5s 21.4s 20.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 22.0s 20.0s 19.9s 19.4s 81.0s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 24.4s    | 39.0s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 38.6s    | 19.5s               |

Times for minikube start: 22.6s 22.4s 22.0s 33.5s 21.6s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 37.8s 38.4s 39.0s 38.6s 41.1s

Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 71.1s 6.1s 8.0s 6.0s 6.1s Times for minikube ingress: 56.5s 26.5s 26.0s 57.4s 26.4s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 10 '22 03:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.6s    | 54.9s               |
| enable ingress | 27.5s    | 27.9s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.1s 54.5s 54.8s 54.9s 54.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 54.9s 55.8s 54.3s 54.5s 54.8s

Times for minikube ingress: 27.7s 28.2s 25.2s 28.2s 28.2s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 26.2s 28.2s 28.7s 28.2s 28.3s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 26.3s    | 25.7s               |
| enable ingress | 21.7s    | 21.1s               |

Times for minikube start: 25.3s 24.9s 26.7s 28.6s 25.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.3s 24.8s 25.0s 28.0s 25.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.0s 22.0s 21.5s 23.0s 21.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 20.0s 21.0s 21.5s 21.0s 22.0s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 21.9s    | 37.0s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 26.5s    | 7.9s                |

Times for minikube start: 21.5s 22.1s 21.6s 21.5s 23.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 36.2s 37.0s 38.1s 35.4s 38.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.4s 26.4s 26.5s 26.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 9.1s 8.0s 6.0s 8.1s 8.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 10 '22 04:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/ControllerPod (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestNoKubernetes/serial/StartNoArgs (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/kindnet/Start (gopogh) 2.75 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestCertExpiration (gopogh) 8.39 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestCertOptions (gopogh) 8.39 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestDockerFlags (gopogh) 8.39 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestForceSystemdEnv (gopogh) 8.39 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestForceSystemdFlag (gopogh) 8.39 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestStoppedBinaryUpgrade/MinikubeLogs (gopogh) 8.57 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestStartStop/group/newest-cni/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 8.63 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestNoKubernetes/serial/StartWithK8s (gopogh) 9.79 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestPause/serial/Start (gopogh) 9.79 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 13.76 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 10 '22 06:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/parallel (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
none_Linux TestAddons/parallel/MetricsServer (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestKubernetesUpgrade (gopogh) 0.65 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 4.79 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestNoKubernetes/serial/StartWithK8s (gopogh) 6.16 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 24.32 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestPause/serial/Start (gopogh) 25.32 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestAddons/Setup (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/serial/ExtraConfig (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/serial/SoftStart (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/serial/StartWithProxy (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestIngressAddonLegacy/serial/ValidateIngressAddonActivation (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestIngressAddonLegacy/StartLegacyK8sCluster (gopogh) 29.87 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 10 '22 10:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 54.5s    | 54.4s               |
| enable ingress | 27.9s    | 27.8s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.8s 54.6s 53.7s 54.4s 55.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 52.9s 55.4s 56.6s 54.2s 53.1s

Times for minikube ingress: 25.7s 28.7s 28.2s 28.2s 28.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 27.7s 27.6s 29.2s 28.7s 25.7s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 25.7s    | 24.8s               |
| enable ingress | 21.0s    | 21.0s               |

Times for minikube start: 26.5s 28.1s 24.5s 24.5s 24.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 24.7s 24.9s 24.5s 25.2s 24.6s

Times for minikube ingress: 20.9s 21.5s 19.5s 21.4s 21.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 21.4s 19.4s 21.4s 20.5s 22.4s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 22.1s    | 38.8s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 26.3s    | 12.7s               |

Times for minikube start: 22.3s 22.2s 22.1s 21.9s 21.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 37.6s 38.2s 39.2s 41.4s 37.7s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.5s 26.4s 26.0s 26.5s 25.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 8.0s 36.0s 6.0s 6.1s 7.1s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 01:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/ControllerPod (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/EnableAddonWhileActive (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestForceSystemdFlag (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kindnet/DNS (gopogh) 4.03 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/serial/LogsFileCmd (gopogh) 4.55 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/kindnet/DNS (gopogh) 5.88 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/DeployApp (gopogh) 14.15 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 14.95 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestStartStop/group/no-preload/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 15.74 (chart)
Docker_Cloud_Shell TestStartStop/group/cloud-shell/serial/AddonExistsAfterStop (gopogh) 16.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 16.28 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 03:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 55.1s    | 54.2s               |
| enable ingress | 25.5s    | 28.9s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.5s 54.0s 54.7s 55.5s 56.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 54.8s 53.8s 54.1s 54.3s 53.9s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.2s 27.2s 24.1s 23.7s 24.2s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 29.2s 29.6s 29.7s 28.7s 27.2s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 26.7s    | 26.2s               |
| enable ingress | 26.3s    | 26.8s               |

Times for minikube start: 27.0s 24.1s 25.4s 27.2s 29.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.7s 25.2s 27.8s 24.7s 27.4s

Times for minikube ingress: 21.9s 50.0s 21.5s 19.0s 18.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 20.9s 21.4s 50.4s 19.9s 21.4s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 24.6s    | 39.0s ⚠️             |
| ⚠️  enable ingress | 26.4s    | 31.6s ⚠️             |

Times for minikube start: 24.2s 21.5s 22.2s 33.0s 22.2s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 40.5s 40.6s 38.2s 37.3s 38.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 26.0s 26.5s 26.5s 26.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 8.0s 7.0s 6.0s 69.0s 68.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 07:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_macOS TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_macOS TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestStartStop/group/default-k8s-diff-port/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestStartStop/group/embed-certs/serial/SecondStart (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestOffline (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestAddons/Setup (gopogh) 0.67 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 0.67 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/CertSync (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/CpCmd (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/FileSync (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/ImageCommands/ImageBuild (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/ImageCommands/ImageListJson (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/ImageCommands/ImageListShort (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/ImageCommands/ImageListYaml (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestFunctional/parallel/ImageCommands/ImageLoadDaemon (gopogh) 0.68 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 09:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 53.9s    | 53.4s               |
| enable ingress | 27.0s    | 27.6s               |

Times for minikube start: 54.0s 53.4s 53.5s 54.1s 54.8s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 53.4s 52.6s 53.2s 54.3s 53.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 27.2s 28.6s 24.7s 28.7s 25.7s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 28.2s 28.2s 28.7s 25.2s 27.6s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 24.9s    | 25.5s               |
| enable ingress | 26.5s    | 21.4s               |

Times for minikube start: 26.3s 25.5s 24.1s 25.2s 23.6s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 23.5s 24.9s 25.7s 25.9s 27.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 19.0s 21.9s 50.9s 19.0s 21.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 22.5s 20.9s 22.5s 21.4s 19.5s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 22.7s    | 38.0s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 26.2s    | 12.7s               |

Times for minikube start: 21.7s 22.5s 22.6s 22.6s 24.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 37.6s 37.9s 38.8s 37.4s 38.5s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.4s 25.9s 25.9s 26.4s 26.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 6.0s 6.0s 6.0s 8.6s 37.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 19:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestFunctional/parallel/MountCmd/specific-port (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/AddNode (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/CopyFile (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeleteNode (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/FreshStart2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/ProfileList (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/RestartMultiNode (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/StopMultiNode (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/StopNode (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/ValidateNameConflict (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/Start (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/Start (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/Start (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestStartStop/group/newest-cni/serial/EnableAddonWhileActive (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestStartStop/group/newest-cni/serial/FirstStart (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 11 '22 22:12 minikube-pr-bot

kvm2 driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 53.3s    | 53.7s               |
| enable ingress | 26.4s    | 25.9s               |

Times for minikube start: 53.5s 53.8s 53.8s 52.6s 52.9s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 53.9s 53.5s 53.4s 54.4s 53.4s

Times for minikube ingress: 28.7s 25.2s 27.7s 26.2s 24.1s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 24.7s 27.6s 25.1s 25.7s 26.2s

docker driver with docker runtime

|    COMMAND     | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| minikube start | 25.8s    | 26.2s               |
| enable ingress | 20.3s    | 21.8s               |

Times for minikube start: 25.7s 26.2s 26.0s 25.6s 25.6s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 25.2s 25.6s 25.2s 28.2s 26.7s

Times for minikube ingress: 19.5s 21.0s 22.0s 19.5s 19.5s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 22.5s 22.5s 20.0s 22.0s 22.0s

docker driver with containerd runtime

|      COMMAND      | MINIKUBE | MINIKUBE (PR 15463) |
| ⚠️  minikube start | 25.0s    | 38.0s ⚠️             |
| enable ingress    | 26.4s    | 7.9s                |

Times for minikube start: 22.3s 21.6s 21.7s 34.4s 25.0s Times for minikube (PR 15463) start: 41.5s 38.5s 37.8s 34.7s 37.4s

Times for minikube ingress: 26.5s 25.9s 26.4s 26.0s 27.4s Times for minikube (PR 15463) ingress: 9.0s 6.1s 8.0s 9.1s 7.0s

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 12 '22 02:12 minikube-pr-bot

These are the flake rates of all failed tests.

Environment Failed Tests Flake Rate (%)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/custom-flannel/NetCatPod (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/flannel/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestFunctional/parallel/ServiceCmd (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestMultiNode/serial/StartAfterStop (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/cilium/Start (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/HairPin (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Windows TestPause/serial/Pause (gopogh) n/a
Docker_Linux_containerd TestJSONOutput/start/parallel/IncreasingCurrentSteps (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Hyperkit_macOS TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux_containerd TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
KVM_Linux TestMultiNode/serial/PingHostFrom2Pods (gopogh) 0.00 (chart)
Docker_macOS TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 16.67 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestErrorSpam/setup (gopogh) 16.67 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestMultiNode/serial/DeployApp2Nodes (gopogh) 16.67 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestPause/serial/SecondStartNoReconfiguration (gopogh) 50.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux_containerd TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 70.80 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/false/DNS (gopogh) 79.26 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/bridge/DNS (gopogh) 80.00 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/enable-default-cni/DNS (gopogh) 80.00 (chart)
Hyper-V_Windows TestNoKubernetes/serial/StartWithK8s (gopogh) 83.33 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/kubenet/DNS (gopogh) 83.70 (chart)
Docker_Linux TestNetworkPlugins/group/calico/NetCatPod (gopogh) 93.94 (chart)
More tests... Continued...

Too many tests failed - See test logs for more details.

To see the flake rates of all tests by environment, click here.

minikube-pr-bot avatar Dec 12 '22 05:12 minikube-pr-bot