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Convert Compose to Kubernetes
When I use this below docker-compose file for converting into kubernetes file. version: "3" services: redis-master: image: k8s.gcr.io/redis:e2e ports: - target: 6379 published: 6379 redis-slave: image: gcr.io/google_samples/gb-redisslave:v1 ports: - target:...
Fixes #1280 -- Still need to do some tests to make sure everything works, hopefully CI will also point out any issues.
It appears there is a mismatch between where secrets are placed when using kompose vs docker compose docker compose places secrets in the folder `/run/secrets` kompose defines the mount path...
Services of type LoadBalancer support loadBalancerIP: "YOUR.IP.ADDRESS.HERE" Not sure if it's possible to assign load balancer static ip via docker-compose networks or this still needs a conversion. Basically what i...
* openSUSE meanwhile includes kompose in their official repositories for Tumbleweed and Leap * on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server kompose is available via PackageHub * fixes #1495
The installation instruction for openSUSE and SLE I introduced to the installation chapter in the documentation, is meanwhile outdated. I was able to get kompose into the official repositories of...
Hello kompose team! I use kompose as part of skaffold local builds. We have some docker-compose files with new ( compose v3 file references ) syntax, for example: ```yml ---...
Latest `spf13/cobra` has zsh-completion support, and has `completion` subcommand by default. This PR upgrade `spf13/cobra` and use these supports.
*Current Behavior* The latest version of `kubernetes/kompose` (v1.26.1) uses [`v0.19.0-rc.2`](https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/blob/master/go.mod#L43) of `k8s.io/api` and `k8s.io/apimachinery`. There are conflicts when a project is using the latest version of `k8s.io/api` and wants to...
After introducing `condition: service_healthy` in `depends_on` running `kompose convert` fails with `FATA services.time-slot-hystrix-monitoring.depends_on must be a list` ``` services: time-slot-turbine-stream-service: image: "denisbalan/turbine-stream-service" healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN"]...