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Code and configuration to manage Kubernetes project infrastructure, including various *.k8s.io sites
Add content-Team shadows in the summit-team group
The following command generates `curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 403` ```tty curl -fsSL https://pkgs.k8s.io/core:/stable:/v1.30/deb/Release.key ```
This PR adds [Peter Schuurman](https://github.com/pwschuurman) to the k8s-infra-prow-viewers Google Group so that he can see resources in the GKE Prow build cluster. This is needed to access GCP VM logs...
Audit Updates sig-k8s-infra
- adding myself to the list as CAPI `release-1.9` CI signal lead: https://github.com/cahillsf/k8s.io/pull/new/update-capi-alerts - removing those on the list no longer on the release team
Drop all cookies and only all specific HTTP headers for any client request.
Add config for vsphere CSI driver image promotion cc: @XudongLiuHarold @xing-yang
I am working on-recreating a prow job and these prow jobs deleted during migration to community infra. [Discussion ref](https://groups.google.com/a/kubernetes.io/g/dev/c/p6PAML90ZOU). I started re-creation of the Job and submitted https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/pull/33340/files But when...
/cc @xing-yang @divyenpatel This has already been deployed.
We didn't manage to utilize KubeCost to gather data about ProwJobs because ProwJobs are non-managed Pods (e.g. not part of a ReplicaSet/Deployment) and this is not supported well by KubeCost....