ingress-nginx copied to clipboard
Multiple error in while election process
What happened:
NGINX pods can't create and update ingress-controller-leader
- Creating:
error initially creating leader election record: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:ingress-controller:nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx" cannot create resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "ingress-controller"
- Update:
Failed to update lock: configmaps "ingress-controller-leader" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:ingress-controller:nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx" cannot update resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "ingress-controller"
Solution: Add to role ingress-nginx:
- apiGroups:
- ""
- configmaps
- create
- update
What you expected to happen:
All works fine)
NGINX Ingress controller version (exec into the pod and run nginx-ingress-controller --version.): NGINX Ingress controller Release: v1.3.0 Build: 2b7b74854d90ad9b4b96a5011b9e8b67d20bfb8f Repository: nginx version: nginx/1.19.10
Kubernetes version (use kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"24", GitVersion:"v1.24.0", GitCommit:"4ce5a8954017644c5420bae81d72b09b735c21f0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-05-03T13:46:05Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Kustomize Version: v4.5.4
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27", GitVersion:"v1.27.3", GitCommit:"25b4e43193bcda6c7328a6d147b1fb73a33f1598", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-06-14T09:47:40Z", GoVersion:"go1.20.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
WARNING: version difference between client (1.24) and server (1.27) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1
Helm version: 4.8.2
This issue is currently awaiting triage.
If Ingress contributors determines this is a relevant issue, they will accept it by applying the triage/accepted
label and provide further guidance.
The triage/accepted
label can be added by org members by writing /triage accepted
in a comment.
Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.
/remove-kind bug
- Please install as per documentation and update
- When you update, please answer the questions that are asked in the new issue template as that info is required to take any action
@longwuyuan I installed ingress ad documentations said. If u look closely on role u see, that it don't have necessary verbs.
In the latest release the leader election happens based on lease and not on configmap. If you are creating your own roles then you need to handle appropriately based on the roles provided in that branch
This is stale, but we won't close it automatically, just bare in mind the maintainers may be busy with other tasks and will reach your issue ASAP. If you have any question or request to prioritize this, please reach #ingress-nginx-dev
on Kubernetes Slack.
I have exactly the same issue with fresh installation of ingress-nginx from helm chart.
E0404 12:16:22.587172 7 leaderelection.go:334] error initially creating leader election record: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:nginx-internal-v2:ingress-nginx-internal-v2" cannot create resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "nginx-internal-v2" E0404 12:16:36.819387 7 leaderelection.go:334] error initially creating leader election record: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:nginx-internal-v2:ingress-nginx-internal-v2" cannot create resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "nginx-internal-v2" E0404 12:16:49.169609 7 leaderelection.go:334] error initially creating leader election record: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:nginx-internal-v2:ingress-nginx-internal-v2" cannot create resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "nginx-internal-v2" E0404 12:16:58.691519 7 leaderelection.go:334] error initially creating leader election record: configmaps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:nginx-internal-v2:ingress-nginx-internal-v2" cannot create resource "configmaps" in API group "" in the namespace "nginx-internal-v2"
after applying the solution suggested by @Asgoret ingress-nginx is able to get election.
I0404 12:17:10.082047 7 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease nginx-internal-v2/ingress-controller-leader I0404 12:17:10.082139 7 status.go:84] "New leader elected" identity="ingress-nginx-internal-v2-controller-5bd4f9d4bc-cgfdm"
fresh installation in new namespace, chart version = ingress-nginx-4.10.0 helm version = version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.14.3", GitCommit:"f03cc04caaa8f6d7c3e67cf918929150cf6f3f12", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.1"}
kubectl version: Client Version: v1.29.0 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 Server Version: v1.28.6-eks-508b6b3
I can not reproduce and leasder election was changed to use lease-api as it was posted earlier.
@longwuyuan: Closing this issue.
In response to this:
I can not reproduce and leasder election was changed to use lease-api as it was posted earlier.
Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes-sigs/prow repository.