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`aws-cloud-controller-manager` reports error repeatedly

Open rodorgas opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

What happened: Cluster starts normally, but aws-cloud-controller-manager logs the following error repeatedly:

$ kubectl logs -n kube-system -f aws-cloud-controller-manager-rp8zg
set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set

This issue is migrated from kubernetes/kops#14383.

What you expected to happen: I would expect no infinite errors being logged, but I don't know if this is expected. There's only one Google result for this errors and it doesn't helped (kubernetes/kubernetes#89330).

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

Start a simple cluster with kops on AWS:

$ kops create cluster \
    --name=${NAME} \
    --cloud=aws \

$ kops update cluster --yes --admin

Anything else we need to know?:

Here's the full logs for aws-cloud-manager-controller:

$ kubectl logs -n kube-system -f aws-cloud-controller-manager-rp8zg
I1005 04:02:23.491871       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --add_dir_header="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492120       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --allocate-node-cidrs="true"
I1005 04:02:23.492213       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --allow-untagged-cloud="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492250       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --alsologtostderr="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492273       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authentication-kubeconfig=""
I1005 04:02:23.492295       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authentication-skip-lookup="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492328       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl="10s"
I1005 04:02:23.492364       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authentication-tolerate-lookup-failure="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492395       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authorization-always-allow-paths="[/healthz,/readyz,/livez]"
I1005 04:02:23.492417       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authorization-kubeconfig=""
I1005 04:02:23.492452       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authorization-webhook-cache-authorized-ttl="10s"
I1005 04:02:23.492464       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --authorization-webhook-cache-unauthorized-ttl="10s"
I1005 04:02:23.492469       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --bind-address=""
I1005 04:02:23.492480       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cert-dir=""
I1005 04:02:23.492485       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cidr-allocator-type="RangeAllocator"
I1005 04:02:23.492490       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --client-ca-file=""
I1005 04:02:23.492494       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cloud-config="/etc/kubernetes/cloud.config"
I1005 04:02:23.492499       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cloud-provider="aws"
I1005 04:02:23.492503       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cluster-cidr=""
I1005 04:02:23.492508       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --cluster-name=""
I1005 04:02:23.492530       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --concurrent-service-syncs="1"
I1005 04:02:23.492561       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --configure-cloud-routes="true"
I1005 04:02:23.492576       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --contention-profiling="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492586       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --controller-start-interval="0s"
I1005 04:02:23.492591       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --controllers="[*]"
I1005 04:02:23.492642       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --enable-leader-migration="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492653       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --external-cloud-volume-plugin=""
I1005 04:02:23.492657       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --feature-gates=""
I1005 04:02:23.492677       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --help="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492686       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --http2-max-streams-per-connection="0"
I1005 04:02:23.492692       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --kube-api-burst="30"
I1005 04:02:23.492697       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --kube-api-content-type="application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
I1005 04:02:23.492715       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --kube-api-qps="20"
I1005 04:02:23.492723       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --kubeconfig=""
I1005 04:02:23.492728       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect="true"
I1005 04:02:23.492733       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-lease-duration="15s"
I1005 04:02:23.492738       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-renew-deadline="10s"
I1005 04:02:23.492743       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-resource-lock="leases"
I1005 04:02:23.492747       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-resource-name="cloud-controller-manager"
I1005 04:02:23.492752       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-resource-namespace="kube-system"
I1005 04:02:23.492757       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-elect-retry-period="2s"
I1005 04:02:23.492771       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --leader-migration-config=""
I1005 04:02:23.492777       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --log-flush-frequency="5s"
I1005 04:02:23.492783       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --log_backtrace_at=":0"
I1005 04:02:23.492795       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --log_dir=""
I1005 04:02:23.492804       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --log_file=""
I1005 04:02:23.492808       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --log_file_max_size="1800"
I1005 04:02:23.492814       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --logtostderr="true"
I1005 04:02:23.492819       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --master=""
I1005 04:02:23.492824       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --min-resync-period="12h0m0s"
I1005 04:02:23.492832       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --node-monitor-period="5s"
I1005 04:02:23.492837       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --node-status-update-frequency="5m0s"
I1005 04:02:23.492841       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --node-sync-period="0s"
I1005 04:02:23.492845       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --one_output="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492849       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --permit-address-sharing="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492854       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --permit-port-sharing="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492859       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --profiling="true"
I1005 04:02:23.492864       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --requestheader-allowed-names="[]"
I1005 04:02:23.492876       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --requestheader-client-ca-file=""
I1005 04:02:23.492881       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --requestheader-extra-headers-prefix="[x-remote-extra-]"
I1005 04:02:23.492893       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --requestheader-group-headers="[x-remote-group]"
I1005 04:02:23.492936       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --requestheader-username-headers="[x-remote-user]"
I1005 04:02:23.492945       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --resources="[]"
I1005 04:02:23.492956       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --route-reconciliation-period="10s"
I1005 04:02:23.492961       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --secure-port="10258"
I1005 04:02:23.492966       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --skip_headers="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492971       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --skip_log_headers="false"
I1005 04:02:23.492976       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --stderrthreshold="2"
I1005 04:02:23.492981       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tagging-controller-burst-limit="0"
I1005 04:02:23.492987       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tagging-controller-rate-limit="0"
I1005 04:02:23.492994       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tags="[]"
I1005 04:02:23.493006       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tls-cert-file=""
I1005 04:02:23.493011       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tls-cipher-suites="[]"
I1005 04:02:23.493020       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tls-min-version=""
I1005 04:02:23.493025       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tls-private-key-file=""
I1005 04:02:23.493030       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --tls-sni-cert-key="[]"
I1005 04:02:23.493040       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --use-service-account-credentials="true"
I1005 04:02:23.493045       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --v="2"
I1005 04:02:23.493050       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --version="false"
I1005 04:02:23.493065       1 flags.go:64] FLAG: --vmodule=""
I1005 04:02:23.621457       1 serving.go:348] Generated self-signed cert in-memory
I1005 04:02:24.071667       1 requestheader_controller.go:244] Loaded a new request header values for RequestHeaderAuthRequestController
W1005 04:02:24.072004       1 client_config.go:617] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
I1005 04:02:24.073944       1 aws.go:5227] Get AWS region from metadata client
I1005 04:02:24.073961       1 aws.go:1297] Zone not specified in configuration file; querying AWS metadata service
I1005 04:02:24.075851       1 aws.go:1337] Building AWS cloudprovider
I1005 04:02:24.076144       1 aws.go:5227] Get AWS region from metadata client
I1005 04:02:24.076247       1 aws.go:1297] Zone not specified in configuration file; querying AWS metadata service
I1005 04:02:24.178381       1 tags.go:77] AWS cloud filtering on ClusterID:
I1005 04:02:24.178417       1 aws.go:1435] The following IP families will be added to nodes: [ipv4]
I1005 04:02:24.178462       1 controllermanager.go:145] Version: v1.25.0
I1005 04:02:24.181644       1 tlsconfig.go:200] "Loaded serving cert" certName="Generated self signed cert" certDetail="\"localhost@1664942543\" [serving] validServingFor=[,localhost,localhost] issuer=\"localhost-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.181606776 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.181803       1 named_certificates.go:53] "Loaded SNI cert" index=0 certName="self-signed loopback" certDetail="\"apiserver-loopback-client@1664942544\" [serving] validServingFor=[apiserver-loopback-client] issuer=\"apiserver-loopback-client-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.181776896 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.181832       1 secure_serving.go:210] Serving securely on [::]:10258
I1005 04:02:24.182096       1 leaderelection.go:248] attempting to acquire leader lease kube-system/cloud-controller-manager...
I1005 04:02:24.182393       1 requestheader_controller.go:169] Starting RequestHeaderAuthRequestController
I1005 04:02:24.182427       1 shared_informer.go:255] Waiting for caches to sync for RequestHeaderAuthRequestController
I1005 04:02:24.182455       1 tlsconfig.go:240] "Starting DynamicServingCertificateController"
I1005 04:02:24.182526       1 configmap_cafile_content.go:202] "Starting controller" name="client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file"
I1005 04:02:24.182536       1 shared_informer.go:255] Waiting for caches to sync for client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file
I1005 04:02:24.182558       1 configmap_cafile_content.go:202] "Starting controller" name="client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file"
I1005 04:02:24.182573       1 shared_informer.go:255] Waiting for caches to sync for client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file
I1005 04:02:24.192825       1 leaderelection.go:258] successfully acquired lease kube-system/cloud-controller-manager
I1005 04:02:24.193534       1 event.go:294] "Event occurred" object="kube-system/cloud-controller-manager" fieldPath="" kind="Lease" apiVersion="" type="Normal" reason="LeaderElection" message="i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7_4dfe2386-5673-4fca-b31b-35ed14e8610a became leader"
I1005 04:02:24.220123       1 aws.go:844] Setting up informers for Cloud
I1005 04:02:24.220225       1 controllermanager.go:282] Starting "cloud-node"
I1005 04:02:24.222247       1 controllermanager.go:301] Started "cloud-node"
I1005 04:02:24.222390       1 controllermanager.go:282] Starting "cloud-node-lifecycle"
I1005 04:02:24.222366       1 node_controller.go:157] Sending events to api server.
I1005 04:02:24.222779       1 node_controller.go:166] Waiting for informer caches to sync
I1005 04:02:24.224475       1 controllermanager.go:301] Started "cloud-node-lifecycle"
I1005 04:02:24.224559       1 controllermanager.go:282] Starting "service"
I1005 04:02:24.224717       1 node_lifecycle_controller.go:113] Sending events to api server
I1005 04:02:24.229671       1 controllermanager.go:301] Started "service"
I1005 04:02:24.229825       1 controllermanager.go:282] Starting "route"
I1005 04:02:24.230071       1 controller.go:241] Starting service controller
I1005 04:02:24.230160       1 shared_informer.go:255] Waiting for caches to sync for service
I1005 04:02:24.236238       1 controllermanager.go:301] Started "route"
W1005 04:02:24.236424       1 controllermanager.go:278] "tagging" is disabled
I1005 04:02:24.236352       1 route_controller.go:108] Starting route controller
I1005 04:02:24.236635       1 shared_informer.go:255] Waiting for caches to sync for route
I1005 04:02:24.283107       1 shared_informer.go:262] Caches are synced for client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file
I1005 04:02:24.283290       1 shared_informer.go:262] Caches are synced for client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file
I1005 04:02:24.283291       1 shared_informer.go:262] Caches are synced for RequestHeaderAuthRequestController
I1005 04:02:24.283650       1 tlsconfig.go:178] "Loaded client CA" index=0 certName="client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file,client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file" certDetail="\"kubernetes-ca\" [] issuer=\"<self>\" (2022-10-03 03:59:06 +0000 UTC to 2032-10-02 03:59:06 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.283612517 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.283842       1 tlsconfig.go:200] "Loaded serving cert" certName="Generated self signed cert" certDetail="\"localhost@1664942543\" [serving] validServingFor=[,localhost,localhost] issuer=\"localhost-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.283820608 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.284005       1 named_certificates.go:53] "Loaded SNI cert" index=0 certName="self-signed loopback" certDetail="\"apiserver-loopback-client@1664942544\" [serving] validServingFor=[apiserver-loopback-client] issuer=\"apiserver-loopback-client-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.283990168 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.284101       1 tlsconfig.go:178] "Loaded client CA" index=0 certName="client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file,client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file" certDetail="\"kubernetes-ca\" [] issuer=\"<self>\" (2022-10-03 03:59:06 +0000 UTC to 2032-10-02 03:59:06 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.284078127 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.284140       1 tlsconfig.go:178] "Loaded client CA" index=1 certName="client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::client-ca-file,client-ca::kube-system::extension-apiserver-authentication::requestheader-client-ca-file" certDetail="\"apiserver-aggregator-ca\" [] issuer=\"<self>\" (2022-10-03 03:59:05 +0000 UTC to 2032-10-02 03:59:05 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.284121513 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.284300       1 tlsconfig.go:200] "Loaded serving cert" certName="Generated self signed cert" certDetail="\"localhost@1664942543\" [serving] validServingFor=[,localhost,localhost] issuer=\"localhost-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.284279495 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.284451       1 named_certificates.go:53] "Loaded SNI cert" index=0 certName="self-signed loopback" certDetail="\"apiserver-loopback-client@1664942544\" [serving] validServingFor=[apiserver-loopback-client] issuer=\"apiserver-loopback-client-ca@1664942543\" (2022-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC to 2023-10-05 03:02:23 +0000 UTC (now=2022-10-05 04:02:24.284435717 +0000 UTC))"
I1005 04:02:24.323807       1 node_controller.go:415] Initializing node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with cloud provider
I1005 04:02:24.331060       1 shared_informer.go:262] Caches are synced for service
I1005 04:02:24.337547       1 shared_informer.go:262] Caches are synced for route
I1005 04:02:24.416205       1 route_controller.go:199] Creating route for node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with hint dee230a3-c4c4-45d5-904d-af9d3f3de680, throttled 349ns
I1005 04:02:24.491377       1 node_controller.go:531] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.491397       1 node_controller.go:532] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.491404       1 node_controller.go:543] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.491409       1 node_controller.go:544] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.491415       1 node_controller.go:554] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.491421       1 node_controller.go:555] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:24.518536       1 node_controller.go:484] Successfully initialized node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with cloud provider
I1005 04:02:24.519401       1 event.go:294] "Event occurred" object="i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7" fieldPath="" kind="Node" apiVersion="v1" type="Normal" reason="Synced" message="Node synced successfully"
I1005 04:02:25.070215       1 route_controller.go:219] Created route for node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with hint dee230a3-c4c4-45d5-904d-af9d3f3de680 after 654.00148ms
I1005 04:02:25.070250       1 route_controller.go:313] Patching node status i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with true previous condition was:nil
I1005 04:02:34.450076       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:02:42.902524       1 node_controller.go:415] Initializing node i-016906ea75d7e264f with cloud provider
I1005 04:02:43.082707       1 controller.go:275] Node changes detected, triggering a full node sync on all loadbalancer services
I1005 04:02:43.082985       1 controller.go:743] Syncing backends for all LB services.
I1005 04:02:43.083267       1 controller.go:750] Successfully updated 0 out of 0 load balancers to direct traffic to the updated set of nodes
I1005 04:02:43.110689       1 node_controller.go:531] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.110801       1 node_controller.go:532] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.110808       1 node_controller.go:543] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.110813       1 node_controller.go:544] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.110818       1 node_controller.go:554] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.110823       1 node_controller.go:555] Adding node label from cloud provider:
I1005 04:02:43.176186       1 node_controller.go:484] Successfully initialized node i-016906ea75d7e264f with cloud provider
I1005 04:02:43.179413       1 event.go:294] "Event occurred" object="i-016906ea75d7e264f" fieldPath="" kind="Node" apiVersion="v1" type="Normal" reason="Synced" message="Node synced successfully"
I1005 04:02:44.407767       1 route_controller.go:199] Creating route for node i-016906ea75d7e264f with hint 4b064d13-1a9e-40d9-b2f0-8e436eda3d6e, throttled 17.708µs
I1005 04:02:45.073049       1 route_controller.go:219] Created route for node i-016906ea75d7e264f with hint 4b064d13-1a9e-40d9-b2f0-8e436eda3d6e after 665.29677ms
I1005 04:02:45.073116       1 route_controller.go:313] Patching node status i-016906ea75d7e264f with true previous condition was:nil
I1005 04:02:45.073206       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:02:54.488680       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:02:54.488686       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:04.409944       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:04.409974       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:14.415978       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:14.415978       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:24.416013       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:24.416016       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:34.417886       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:34.417914       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:44.416254       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:44.416254       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:54.424976       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:03:54.425008       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:04.419298       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:04.419328       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:14.434881       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:14.435110       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:24.425461       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:24.425484       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:34.424901       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:34.424930       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:44.418318       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:44.418338       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:54.429044       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:04:54.429077       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:04.444520       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:04.444521       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:14.497144       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:14.497225       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:24.424994       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:24.425026       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:34.519435       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:34.519535       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:44.427717       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:44.427729       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:54.425296       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:05:54.425296       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:04.429257       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:04.429258       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:14.443535       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:14.443540       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:24.433523       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:24.433572       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:34.436750       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:34.436930       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:44.431181       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:44.431181       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:54.425232       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:06:54.425262       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:07:04.435480       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-0a2bea8f12700e4c7 with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set
I1005 04:07:04.435490       1 route_controller.go:304] set node i-016906ea75d7e264f with NodeNetworkUnavailable=false was canceled because it is already set


  • Kubernetes version (use kubectl version): 1.25.2
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration: AWS
  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)
  • Kernel (e.g. uname -a): Linux ip-172-31-2-122 5.15.0-1020-aws #24~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 2 15:29:13 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Install tools: kops
  • Others: n/a

/kind bug

rodorgas avatar Oct 05 '22 15:10 rodorgas

@rodorgas: This issue is currently awaiting triage.

If cloud-provider-aws contributors determine this is a relevant issue, they will accept it by applying the triage/accepted label and provide further guidance.

The triage/accepted label can be added by org members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.

k8s-ci-robot avatar Oct 05 '22 15:10 k8s-ci-robot

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough contributors to adequately respond to all issues and PRs.

This bot triages issues and PRs according to the following rules:

  • After 90d of inactivity, lifecycle/stale is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/stale was applied, lifecycle/rotten is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/rotten was applied, the issue is closed

You can:

  • Mark this issue or PR as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale
  • Mark this issue or PR as rotten with /lifecycle rotten
  • Close this issue or PR with /close
  • Offer to help out with Issue Triage

Please send feedback to sig-contributor-experience at kubernetes/community.

/lifecycle stale

k8s-triage-robot avatar Jan 03 '23 16:01 k8s-triage-robot

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough active contributors to adequately respond to all issues and PRs.

This bot triages issues and PRs according to the following rules:

  • After 90d of inactivity, lifecycle/stale is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/stale was applied, lifecycle/rotten is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/rotten was applied, the issue is closed

You can:

  • Mark this issue or PR as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten
  • Close this issue or PR with /close
  • Offer to help out with Issue Triage

Please send feedback to sig-contributor-experience at kubernetes/community.

/lifecycle rotten

k8s-triage-robot avatar Feb 02 '23 17:02 k8s-triage-robot

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough active contributors to adequately respond to all issues and PRs.

This bot triages issues according to the following rules:

  • After 90d of inactivity, lifecycle/stale is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/stale was applied, lifecycle/rotten is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/rotten was applied, the issue is closed

You can:

  • Reopen this issue with /reopen
  • Mark this issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten
  • Offer to help out with Issue Triage

Please send feedback to sig-contributor-experience at kubernetes/community.

/close not-planned

k8s-triage-robot avatar Mar 04 '23 18:03 k8s-triage-robot

@k8s-triage-robot: Closing this issue, marking it as "Not Planned".

In response to this:

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough active contributors to adequately respond to all issues and PRs.

This bot triages issues according to the following rules:

  • After 90d of inactivity, lifecycle/stale is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/stale was applied, lifecycle/rotten is applied
  • After 30d of inactivity since lifecycle/rotten was applied, the issue is closed

You can:

  • Reopen this issue with /reopen
  • Mark this issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten
  • Offer to help out with Issue Triage

Please send feedback to sig-contributor-experience at kubernetes/community.

/close not-planned

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.

k8s-ci-robot avatar Mar 04 '23 18:03 k8s-ci-robot