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Volume provisioning fails with "invalid metadata" when using a native key provider
Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?: /kind bug
What happened:
PV provisioning fails when using a native key provider. Specifically, I'm seeing the following messages on the ESXi host (my provider is named provider-0
, my cluster is named cl-0
warning kmxa[2097952] [Originator@6876 sub=Libs opID=resolveKey-52a1d087-b13e-71e3-dd80-4aca154a5817-48] Failed to resolve key /provider-0: invalid metadata.
2022-04-30T23:48:58.034Z info vpxa[2100223] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=0fea314b-ea6c-4664-b319-34d81a6f7b69-362537-12-e] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-72673 -- vstorageObjectManager -- vim.vslm.host.VStorageObjectManager.createDisk: vmodl.fault.SystemError:
--> Result:
--> (vmodl.fault.SystemError) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> reason = "Key locator error: api = DiskLib_Create, path = /vmfs/volumes/{redacted}/fcd/{redacted}.vmdk"
--> msg = "A general system error occurred: Key locator error: api = DiskLib_Create, path = /vmfs/volumes/{redacted}/fcd/{redacted}.vmdk"
--> }
--> Args:
--> Arg spec:
--> (vim.vslm.CreateSpec) {
--> name = "pvc-{redacted}",
--> keepAfterDeleteVm = true,
--> backingSpec = (vim.vslm.CreateSpec.DiskFileBackingSpec) {
--> datastore = 'vim.Datastore:{redacted}',
--> path = <unset>,
--> virtualDiskFormat = <unset>,
--> provisioningType = <unset>
--> },
--> capacityInMB = 1024,
--> profile = (vim.vm.ProfileSpec) [
--> (vim.vm.DefinedProfileSpec) {
--> profileId = "{redacted}",
--> replicationSpec = (vim.vm.replication.ReplicationSpec) null,
--> profileData = (vim.vm.ProfileRawData) {
--> extensionKey = "com.vmware.vim.sps",
--> objectData = "<ns1:storageProfile xmlns:ns1="http://profile.policy.data.vasa.vim.vmware.com/xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns1:StorageProfile"><ns1:constraints><ns1:subProfiles><ns1:capability><capabilityId xmlns="http://capability.policy.data.vasa.vim.vmware.com/xsd"><id>vmwarevmcrypt@ENCRYPTION</id><namespace>IOFILTERS</namespace></capabilityId><constraint xmlns="http://capability.policy.data.vasa.vim.vmware.com/xsd"><propertyInstance><id>AllowCleartextFilters</id><value xmlns:s90="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xsi:type="s90:string">False</value></propertyInstance></constraint></ns1:capability><ns1:name>Host based services</ns1:name></ns1:subProfiles></ns1:constraints><ns1:createdBy>Temporary user handle</ns1:createdBy><ns1:creationTime>2022-03-12T06:39:17.817+00:00</ns1:creationTime><ns1:description>Sample storage policy for VMware's VM and virtual disk encryption</ns1:description><ns1:generationId>2</ns1:gen
erationId><ns1:lastUpdatedBy>Temporary user handle</ns1:lastUpdatedBy><ns1:lastUpdatedTime>2022-04-29T16:11:20.912-07:00</ns1:lastUpdatedTime><ns1:name>VM Encryption Policy</ns1:name><ns1:profileId>{redacted}</ns1:profileId></ns1:storageProfile>"
--> },
--> profileParams = <unset>
--> }
--> ],
--> crypto = (vim.encryption.CryptoSpecEncrypt) {
--> cryptoKeyId = (vim.encryption.CryptoKeyId) {
--> keyId = "",
--> providerId = (vim.encryption.KeyProviderId) {
--> id = "provider-0"
--> }
--> },
--> inPlace = <unset>
--> },
--> metadata = (vim.KeyValue) [
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.tag",
--> value = "true"
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.version",
--> value = "3"
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.containerCluster.clusterId",
--> value = "cl-0"
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.containerCluster.clusterType",
--> value = "KUBERNETES"
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.containerCluster.vSphereUser",
--> value = "{redacted}"
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "cns.containerCluster.clusterFlavor",
--> value = "VANILLA"
--> }
--> ]
--> }
I have the storagepolicyname
param set to VM Encryption Policy
. All node VM's and all disks are already encrypted using provider-0
. The provisioner successfully creates unencrypted PV's when using the default storage policy. provider-0
has a Key ID
in vSphere, but it's clearly missing in the log message. Am I missing part of the setup or is the csi-provisioner
not setting a required param?
What you expected to happen:
The csi-provisioner
to successfully create an encrypted FCD.
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Create a Native Key Provider
. Create a storage policy that uses the VMware VM Encryption
provider. Create a storage class that uses the policy. Create a PVC using the storage class.
Anything else we need to know?: DRS and Storage DRS are enabled.
- csi-vsphere version: v2.5.1
- vsphere-cloud-controller-manager version: v1.22.6
- Kubernetes version: v1.22.9
- vSphere version: 7.0.3 (build 19480866)
- OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release): Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Kernel (e.g.
uname -a
): 5.15.0-27-generic - Install tools: kubeadm + kubectl
- ESXi version: 7.0.3 (build 19482537)
@nick-oconnor Can you file an SR and upload vSphere support bundle? https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/83329?lang=en_US
@divyenpatel on it.
@divyenpatel my VMUG account doesn't have permissions to open a technical support request. guess this is going to stay broken :-(
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I can still see this error. Results in following error:
2022-10-05T17:19:38.949683736Z vanilla/controller.go:567 failed to create volume. Error: failed to create volume with fault: "(*types.LocalizedMethodFault)(0xc0005d9820)({\n DynamicData: (types.DynamicData) {\n },\n Fault: (types.CnsFault) {\n BaseMethodFault: (types.BaseMethodFault) <nil>,\n Reason: (string) (len=16) \"VSLM task failed\"\n },\n LocalizedMessage: (string) (len=32) \"CnsFault error: VSLM task failed\"\n})\n"
Hello, Exactly the same problem on my side. Did you find a workaround / solution?
/assign @divyenpatel
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Hello, Same problem here. Did you find a workaround / solution?
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@ccleouf66 unfortunately no. I bailed and setup encryption at the block level (beneath VMFS). I'd wager that this is still a problem.
Ok thanks for the info @nick-oconnor, you know if vmware or someone try to solve it ?
@ccleouf66 nope. I do not.
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