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Should strategy names be shortened?

Open damemi opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

The naming pattern for the original few strategies was RemovePodsViolating... and this pattern has since drifted in some strategies (RemoveDuplicates, PodLifeTime, LowNodeUtilization) which raises the question, is the "RemovePods" prefix necessary?

It seems implied that each strategy will be removing pods that violate some constraint, so for ease of readability and config it might be worth it to remove the prefix from the existing strategies (possibly still supporting the old names for compatibility).

It may not be a big enough issue to change old strategy names, but we should consider setting a precedent of whether or not this is necessary for future strategies. Open to any feedback on this!

/kind cleanup

damemi avatar Nov 17 '20 17:11 damemi

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fejta-bot avatar Feb 15 '21 17:02 fejta-bot

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seanmalloy avatar Feb 15 '21 21:02 seanmalloy

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fejta-bot avatar May 16 '21 21:05 fejta-bot

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fejta-bot avatar Jun 15 '21 22:06 fejta-bot

This can be targetted for the v2alpha version bump.

RemoveDuplicates ==> Duplicates LowNodeUtilization HighNodeUtilization RemovePodsViolatingInterPodAntiAffinity ==> PodsViolatingInterPodAntiAffinity RemovePodsViolatingNodeAffinity ==> PodsViolatingNodeAffinity RemovePodsViolatingNodeTaints ==> PodsViolatingNodeTaints RemovePodsViolatingTopologySpreadConstraint ==>PodsViolatingTopologySpreadConstraint RemovePodsHavingTooManyRestarts ==> PodsHavingTooManyRestarts PodLifeTime

Agree that the prefix Remove is inherently implied that the strategy is going to remove pods

bytetwin avatar Jun 22 '21 23:06 bytetwin

@hanumanthan I would go a step further and drop all the redundant prefixes, not just Remove, so eg RemovePodsViolatingInterPodAntiAffinity => InterPodAntiAffinity RemovePodsViolatingNodeAffinity => NodeAffinity ... etc

the question is if we actually want to do this. I don't think it needs to be strictly tied to an API version, as we could easily just code a translation layer in the config parsing logic. But it will eventually be breaking when we remove that layer

damemi avatar Jun 23 '21 13:06 damemi

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fejta-bot avatar Jul 23 '21 14:07 fejta-bot

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k8s-ci-robot avatar Jul 23 '21 14:07 k8s-ci-robot

From RemovePodsViolatingNodeTaints:


  • descheduler never removes a pod, it only evicts one => Remove keyword can be drop
  • descheduler always evicts pods only => Pods keyword is redundant
  • taints are always present on nodes only => should we drop Node keyword?

Turning the name into ViolatingTaints. Checking naming under and many plugins mentions a feature. E.g. nodeaffinity, podtopologyspread, coscheduling, crossnodepreemption, podstate. Given we are checking against certain features, we might follow the same pattern. E.g. Taints, NodeAffinity, TopologySpreadConstraint (given all plugin are evicting pods "violating" some constraint we can leave out Violating keyword as well). Turning all plugin names into:

  • duplicates
  • failedpods
  • nodeaffinity (
  • taints (
  • interpodantiaffinity (
  • podlifetime
  • toomanyrestarts
  • topologyspreadconstraint (
  • nodeutilization

Plugins such as nodeaffinity, taints, interpodantiaffinity and topologyspreadconstraint operator with known features. In the remaining cases it's up to us to choose the naming.

ingvagabund avatar Jul 26 '22 15:07 ingvagabund

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k8s-triage-robot avatar Aug 25 '22 15:08 k8s-triage-robot

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k8s-ci-robot avatar Aug 25 '22 15:08 k8s-ci-robot