container-object-storage-interface-provisioner-sidecar copied to clipboard
Events can't be created different namespaces
Bug Report
What happened:
E0801 12:21:30.393983 1 event.go:276] Unable to write event: '&v1.Event{TypeMeta:v1.TypeMeta{Kind:"", APIVersion:""}, ObjectMeta:v1.ObjectMeta{Name:"test4.17e79a2838dae5ad", GenerateName:"", Namespace:"sample-ns", SelfLink:"", UID:"", ResourceVersion:"", Generation:0, CreationTimestamp:time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), DeletionTimestamp:<nil>, DeletionGracePeriodSeconds:(*int64)(nil), Labels:map[string]string(nil), Annotations:map[string]string(nil), OwnerReferences:[]v1.OwnerReference(nil), Finalizers:[]string(nil), ManagedFields:[]v1.ManagedFieldsEntry(nil)}, InvolvedObject:v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"BucketAccess", Namespace:"sample-ns", Name:"test4", UID:"3af47897-7972-47cd-a492-499590a780cc", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"11430237", FieldPath:""}, Reason:"FailedGrantAccess", Message:"failed to grant bucket access: rpc error: code = Internal desc = failed to read S3 configuration", Source:v1.EventSource{Component:"cosi", Host:""}, FirstTimestamp:time.Date(2024, time.August, 1, 12, 21, 20, 35743149, time.Local), LastTimestamp:time.Date(2024, time.August, 1, 12, 21, 20, 35743149, time.Local), Count:1, Type:"Warning", EventTime:time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), Series:(*v1.EventSeries)(nil), Action:"", Related:(*v1.ObjectReference)(nil), ReportingController:"cosi", ReportingInstance:""}': 'can't create an event with namespace 'sample-ns' in namespace 'tenant-root''(may retry after sleeping)
What you expected to happen:
event created
How to reproduce this bug (as minimally and precisely as possible):
run controller and objects in diferent namespaces
Anything else relevant for this bug report?:
- Kubernetes version (use
kubectl version
), please list client and server: - Sidecar version (provide the release tag or commit hash):
- Provisoner name and version (provide the release tag or commit hash):
- Cloud provider or hardware configuration:
- OS (e.g:
cat /etc/os-release
): - Kernel (e.g.
uname -a
): - Install tools:
- Network plugin and version (if this is a network-related bug):
- Others: