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Not Working!! restrict CIDR IP addresses for a LoadBalancer type

Open vmasule opened this issue 3 years ago • 17 comments

Describe the bug A concise description of what the bug is. I am using NLB with nlb-target-type: ip, I want to whitelist IP using loadBalancerSourceRanges but it seems there some issue with the AWS Load Balancer Controller as this feature is not working but it works for nlb-target-type: instance.

Make no mistake, I am also setting preserve_client_ip.enabled=true as per documentations and I could see the it is enabled on target group and SG Rule with whitelist IP range gets added successfully but I failed to access the application. I am currently whitelisting my ISP's public IP for testing which works fine when nlb-target-type: instance.

Steps to reproduce You can run the sample Windows Container based k8s config below.

Expected outcome After successful apply, I should be only able to access the application from IP.

  • AWS Load Balancer controller version: 2.3.0
  • Kubernetes version 1.21
  • Using EKS (yes/no), if so version? Yes 1.21

Additional Context:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: windows-server-iis
  namespace: default
      app: windows-server-iis
      tier: backend
      track: stable
  replicas: 1
        app: windows-server-iis
        tier: backend
        track: stable
        - name: windows-server-iis
            - name: http
              containerPort: 80
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - powershell.exe
            - -command
            - "Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server; Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri '' -OutFile 'C:\\ServiceMonitor.exe'; echo '<html><body><br/><br/><marquee><H1>Hello EKS!!!<H1><marquee></body><html>' > C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\default.html; C:\\ServiceMonitor.exe 'w3svc'; "
      nodeSelector: windows
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: windows-server-iis-service
  namespace: default
# "external"
# "instance"
# "internet-facing" external ip internet-facing "80" "true" test-iis-server-lb preserve_client_ip.enabled=true
    - port: 80
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 80
    app: windows-server-iis
    tier: backend
    track: stable
#  sessionAffinity: None
    - ""
  type: LoadBalancer

AWS Load Balancer Controller Config

Name:                   aws-load-balancer-controller
Namespace:              kube-system
CreationTimestamp:      Thu, 04 Nov 2021 12:31:15 +0000
Annotations:   1
Selector:     ,
Replicas:               2 desired | 2 updated | 2 total | 2 available | 0 unavailable
StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
  Annotations: 8080
  Service Account:  aws-load-balancer-controller
    Ports:       9443/TCP, 8080/TCP
    Host Ports:  0/TCP, 0/TCP
    Liveness:     http-get http://:61779/healthz delay=30s timeout=10s period=10s #success=1 #failure=2
    Environment:  <none>
      /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs from cert (ro)
    Type:               Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:         aws-load-balancer-tls
    Optional:           false
  Priority Class Name:  system-cluster-critical

Instructions followed from here : Please confirm whether this is a bug or I am missing something here.

vmasule avatar Dec 19 '21 19:12 vmasule

Hi @kishorj any chance looking into this? I have done exactly what documentation says.

vmasule avatar Dec 20 '21 09:12 vmasule

@vmasule, could you email the controller logs to k8s-alb-controller-triage AT or share the model generated by the controller for your service?

kishorj avatar Dec 20 '21 21:12 kishorj

@kishorj Below is the controller logs generated for exact above configuration except IPS IP is diff this time, I can also see in SG there are rules added for this and one of them is whitelisting ISP IP, also enabled NLB logs and I can't see any logs generated when I try to access the service using NLB DNS.

Can you please look into this, as this is bit urgent and we have committed to provide this feature based on reading controller document but it's not working for some reason. Let me know if you need more info.

Or do you have any reference to working example with aws-load-balancer-nlb-target-type: ip for internet facing NLB?

{"level":"info","ts":1640517944.1814473,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"successfully built model","model":"{\"id\":\"default/windows-server-iis-service\",\"resources\":{\"AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener\":{\"80\":{\"spec\":{\"loadBalancerARN\":{\"$ref\":\"#/resources/AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer/LoadBalancer/status/loadBalancerARN\"},\"port\":80,\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"defaultActions\":[{\"type\":\"forward\",\"forwardConfig\":{\"targetGroups\":[{\"targetGroupARN\":{\"$ref\":\"#/resources/AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup/default/windows-server-iis-service:80/status/targetGroupARN\"}}]}}]}}},\"AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer\":{\"LoadBalancer\":{\"spec\":{\"name\":\"k8s-default-windowss-00aaf49d08\",\"type\":\"network\",\"scheme\":\"internet-facing\",\"ipAddressType\":\"ipv4\",\"subnetMapping\":[{\"subnetID\":\"subnet-051e675f909a22a0f\"},{\"subnetID\":\"subnet-06808dc6a20ca0dcb\"}]}}},\"AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup\":{\"default/windows-server-iis-service:80\":{\"spec\":{\"name\":\"k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a\",\"targetType\":\"ip\",\"port\":80,\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"ipAddressType\":\"ipv4\",\"healthCheckConfig\":{\"port\":\"traffic-port\",\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"intervalSeconds\":10,\"healthyThresholdCount\":3,\"unhealthyThresholdCount\":3},\"targetGroupAttributes\":[{\"key\":\"preserve_client_ip.enabled\",\"value\":\"true\"},{\"key\":\"proxy_protocol_v2.enabled\",\"value\":\"false\"}]}}},\"K8S::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroupBinding\":{\"default/windows-server-iis-service:80\":{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"name\":\"k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a\",\"namespace\":\"default\",\"creationTimestamp\":null},\"spec\":{\"targetGroupARN\":{\"$ref\":\"#/resources/AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup/default/windows-server-iis-service:80/status/targetGroupARN\"},\"targetType\":\"ip\",\"serviceRef\":{\"name\":\"windows-server-iis-service\",\"port\":80},\"networking\":{\"ingress\":[{\"from\":[{\"ipBlock\":{\"cidr\":\"\"}}],\"ports\":[{\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"port\":80}]},{\"from\":[{\"ipBlock\":{\"cidr\":\"\"}},{\"ipBlock\":{\"cidr\":\"\"}}],\"ports\":[{\"protocol\":\"TCP\",\"port\":80}]}]},\"ipAddressType\":\"ipv4\"}}}}}}}"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517944.7647452,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"creating targetGroup","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517944.9572344,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"created targetGroup","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:targetgroup/k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a/8ba6196e3a53b4d5"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517944.9648106,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"modifying targetGroup attributes","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:targetgroup/k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a/8ba6196e3a53b4d5","change":{"preserve_client_ip.enabled":"true"}}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517944.980313,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"modified targetGroup attributes","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:targetgroup/k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a/8ba6196e3a53b4d5"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.0289276,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"creating loadBalancer","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"LoadBalancer"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.355083,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"created loadBalancer","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"LoadBalancer","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:loadbalancer/net/k8s-default-windowss-00aaf49d08/658ca088d59b9e98"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.3897755,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"creating listener","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"80"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.445823,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"created listener","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"80","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:listener/net/k8s-default-windowss-00aaf49d08/658ca088d59b9e98/4d9e36830e690bad"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.4773517,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"creating targetGroupBinding","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.8155098,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"created targetGroupBinding","stackID":"default/windows-server-iis-service","resourceID":"default/windows-server-iis-service:80","targetGroupBinding":{"namespace":"default","name":"k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a"}}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517945.81556,"logger":"controllers.service","msg":"successfully deployed model","service":{"namespace":"default","name":"windows-server-iis-service"}}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517946.0076733,"msg":"authorizing securityGroup ingress","securityGroupID":"sg-0eec5b14b911a3509","permission":[{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null},{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null},{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null}]}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517946.211971,"msg":"authorized securityGroup ingress","securityGroupID":"sg-0eec5b14b911a3509"}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517946.4147427,"msg":"registering targets","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:targetgroup/k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a/8ba6196e3a53b4d5","targets":[{"AvailabilityZone":null,"Id":"","Port":80}]}
{"level":"info","ts":1640517946.685702,"msg":"registered targets","arn":"arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:356817424680:targetgroup/k8s-default-windowss-74a8b74c3a/8ba6196e3a53b4d5"}

vmasule avatar Dec 26 '21 12:12 vmasule

@vmasule from the logs, looks like the inbound rule is added to the worker SG correctly:

{"level":"info","ts":1640517946.0076733,"msg":"authorizing securityGroup ingress","securityGroupID":"sg-0eec5b14b911a3509","permission":[{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null},{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null},{"FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","IpRanges":[{"CidrIp":"","Description":""}],"Ipv6Ranges":null,"PrefixListIds":null,"ToPort":80,"UserIdGroupPairs":null}]}

I assume it's in this case.

You mentioned I am currently whitelisting my ISP's public IP for testing which works fine when nlb-target-type: instance.. How did you do the whitelist? isn't it the IP get added to SG automatically?

M00nF1sh avatar Dec 31 '21 04:12 M00nF1sh

@M00nF1sh and @kishorj

That's right rules are added correctly but when I access the web app through browser it becomes unreachable(i.e it does fail and I did trying enabling the NLB logs but nothing gets logged there)

I assume it's in this case.

That's right, that is public IP added in SG rules.

You mentioned I am currently whitelisting my ISP's public IP for testing which works fine when nlb-target-type: instance.. How did you do the whitelist? isn't it the IP get added to SG automatically?

That's right, IP gets added to SG automatically and I can access the web app in this case, but we don't want to use nlb-target-type: instance because of it's limitations.

I don't know if it is windows container base setup that is causing this issue.

@kishorj @M00nF1sh Are you guys able to reproduce this issue, pls let me know I very badly need this feature before production.

vmasule avatar Jan 03 '22 08:01 vmasule

@vmasule, could you check if there is a proxy between your client and the load balancer? Also check if you have any configurations to allow traffic to the node port range or any specific configuration to block port 80. NLB logs are limited to the TLS connections only. You could use VPC flow logs to debug further.

kishorj avatar Jan 12 '22 18:01 kishorj

@vmasule, any updates?

kishorj avatar Jan 19 '22 23:01 kishorj

@kishorj Sorry today only checked this message, sure will check on requested detail and update here.


  1. There is no Proxy between client and the Load Balancer
  2. There is no specific configuration to block port 80
  3. But there are node port range to allow the traffic inside but that is also added by AWS Load Balancer Controller

This is very weird issue, may be we will try to with Linux based workloads and see if issue is same for that also, and update here but definitely not working for Windows based workloads.

vmasule avatar Feb 03 '22 13:02 vmasule

@kishorj I can say that for linux workloads it is working fine, but for windows only it is causing this issue.

Could you pls reproduce at your end and confirm?? This has become major issue when it comes to security and restricting blast radius for us. Pls help.

vmasule avatar Mar 09 '22 17:03 vmasule

@kishorj Is there any Kubelet flag need to be added for this to work for aws-load-balancer-nlb-target-type: ip. Pls help.

vmasule avatar Mar 11 '22 13:03 vmasule

which CNI plugin do you use?

kishorj avatar Mar 11 '22 16:03 kishorj

@kishorj I am using AWS-CNI only that comes by default with EKS.

vmasule avatar Mar 21 '22 17:03 vmasule

@kishorj Any updates pls?

vmasule avatar May 03 '22 13:05 vmasule

I'm seeing the same problem on our deployment.

I think the issue is with the IP target type, the load balancer controller registers the POD as targets directly which bypasses the node.

ediezh avatar Jun 02 '22 05:06 ediezh

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k8s-triage-robot avatar Sep 30 '22 07:09 k8s-triage-robot

Facing same issue. No SG rules added when target is ip

ab-wave-rider avatar Oct 01 '22 05:10 ab-wave-rider

@kishorj Other people also facing this issue, any updates on this?

vmasule avatar Oct 18 '22 17:10 vmasule

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k8s-ci-robot avatar Apr 19 '23 03:04 k8s-ci-robot

We're facing the same issue, any updates on this?

pranav-e6x avatar Sep 23 '23 12:09 pranav-e6x