jmeter-operator copied to clipboard
stop the test
how can I stop a running test?
Call the script from the jmeter-master pod should work.
# check the jmeter-master pod name first localhost$ kubectl -n tqa get pods # open a shell then run localhost$ kubectl exec -i -t -n tqa tqa-loadtest-jmeter-master-your-pod-name "--" sh -c "clear; (bash || ash || sh)" root@tqa-loadtest-jmeter-master-your-pod-name:/# /jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.0/bin/
Or you can make a script.
Open the jmeter-opereator/ and change the last line as follows:
kubectl -n $namespace exec -ti $master_pod -- /jmeter/apache-jmeter-5.0/bin/
and save it to jmeter-operator/ file.
Though I didn't try above script, however, it might work well. ;)
Good luck.