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Load testing as a service (LTaaS) with Apache Jmeter on kubernetes
We are running the same test file from local and on Kubernetes. When running locally its always 0% error rate, however, the same file on Kubernetes results with a high...
i have mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar copied into master and slave containers, which have openjdk:8-jdk-slim as base image. When I run the jmeter script on master and slaves locally, they run fine. But...
It could be nice to have it for development use.
Add script to create the reporter under the same namespace
Could you please help to check why my jmeter-slave couldn't run up. The status is Error or CrashLoopBackOff after I run the commands: kubectl create -n $tenant -f $working_dir/jmeter_slaves_deploy.yaml kubectl...
When I try to test my service with 10 slaves, I found the master node cannot write data to influxdb. And the bandwidth became very large. So I want to...
When I follow the instructions to run, I get following errors - ``` error: unable to recognize "/home/amit/jmeter-kubernetes/jmeter_slaves_deploy.yaml": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta2" service "jmeter-slaves-svc" created...
Hello, Are there any efforts in progress to upgrade the latest java version on Jmeter Master/Slave Codebase? This tool is really helpful and would like to know if we can...
I have run the and if I rerun the script again its not working its just show engine is busy Logs: Starting the test @ Thu Apr 27 15:03:41...