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Support exitCode restartPolicy
MPIJob doesn't support restartPolicy=ExitCode
/kind feature
Can you clarify what is the expected behavior?
I wonder if we should have an API that is closer to Job's PodFailurePolicy instead
If we add exitCode, we might be further from this goal
Can you clarify what is the expected behavior?
I wonder if we should have an API that is closer to Job's PodFailurePolicy instead
Probably, he expects a similar behavior to other training controllers (e.g., tfjob).
If we add exitCode, we might be further from this goal
In the future, it would be good to support PodFailurePolicy once we introduce batch/v1 Job to workers.
However, it might be worth supporting a similar logic to other CustomJobs in the short term. This doesn't mean the changes break current logic and API.
I guess we'll need a new API version anyways.
Since the launcher already uses Job, it might be worth translating the behavior of ExitCode into a PodFailurePolicy (I believe it should be possible), instead of manually watching the pods.
I guess we'll need a new API version anyways.
I don't think we need a new API version since we can support restartPolicy=ExitCode
, the same as other CustomJobs, using the following logic:
// Get the exit code of the container.
var exitCode int32 = 0xbeef // magic number
for _, status := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
state := status.State
if status.Name == r.GetDefaultContainerName() && state.Terminated != nil {
exitCode = state.Terminated.ExitCode
logger.Infof("Pod: %v.%v exited with code %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, exitCode)
r.GetRecorder().Eventf(job, corev1.EventTypeNormal, "ExitedWithCode", "Pod: %v.%v exited with code %v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, exitCode)
// Check if the pod is retryable.
if spec.RestartPolicy == commonv1.RestartPolicyExitCode {
if pod.Status.Phase == corev1.PodFailed && trainutil.IsRetryableExitCode(exitCode) {
logger.Infof("Need to restart the pod: %v.%v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
if err = r.DeletePod(ctx, pod.Namespace, pod.Name); err != nil {
return err
If we support a similarly logic to other CustomJobs, we don't provide a configurable ExitCode similar to PodFailurePolicy.
// RestartPolicyExitCode policy means that user should add exit code by themselves,
// The job operator will check these exit codes to
// determine the behavior when an error occurs:
// - 1-127: permanent error, do not restart.
// - 128-255: retryable error, will restart the pod.
RestartPolicyExitCode RestartPolicy = "ExitCode"
Since the launcher already uses Job, it might be worth translating the behavior of ExitCode into a PodFailurePolicy (I believe it should be possible), instead of manually watching the pods.
I agree.
Sorry, what I meant is that we might need a new apiversion once we plan to migrate everything to batch/Job.
Sorry, what I meant is that we might need a new apiversion once we plan to migrate everything to batch/Job.
Ah, I see. I agree. We need a new API version if we migrate workers to batch/Jobs.
In the short term, I would like to support the restartPolicy=ExitCode
, similar to the other CustomJobs in MPIJob v2beta1.
Since if we migrate everything to batch/job, we might need to use Elastic Indexed Job for the elastic training (e.g., elastic horovod).
sounds good