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:seedling: Product ready cluster lifecycle management toolchains based on kubespray and other cluster LCM engine.

:seedling: KuBean

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kubean is a cluster lifecycle management tool based on kubespray.

Quick Start

Deploy Kubean-Operator

helm repo add kubean-io https://kubean-io.github.io/kubean-helm-chart/
helm install kubean kubean-io/kubean --create-namespace -n kubean-system

Then check kubean-operator status by kubectl get pods -n kubean-system | grep 'kubean'.

Start KuBeanClusterOps for cluster.yml playbook

We cloud use the example in folder artifacts/demo which uses online resources to install k8s cluster.

  1. cd artifacts
  2. modify demo/hosts-conf-cm.yml by replacing IP1, IP2... with the real ip where we want to install k8s cluster
  3. kubectl apply -f demo to start kubeanClusterOps which will start the kubespray job
  4. kubectl get job -n kubean-system to check the kubespray job status


Offline Usage
