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JavaScript functional implementation of switch/case



JavaScript functional implementation of switch/case, inspired by Ruby case/when.


You can convert a switch-case use in a functional way, using a single expression:

Strict Equality

import when from 'when-switch'

const getDrinkPrice = drink =>
    .is('Coke', 1.5)
    .is('Pepsi', 1.8)

Structural Matching

You can use match method with any object exposing a test method.

Regular Expressions

const getCaseStyle = text =>
    .match(/^([A-Z][a-z]*)+$/, 'UpperCamelCase')
    .match(/^([a-z]+[A-Z][a-z]*)+$/, 'LowerCamelCase')
    .match(/^([a-z]+_[a-z]+)+$/, 'SnakeCase')

Custom Type Guard Matcher

type SpaceObject = { x: number; y: number; z: number }
type Cube = SpaceObject & { width: number }
type Sphere = SpaceObject & { radius: number }

const SpaceObjectSchema = {
  test: (_: any): _ is SpaceObject =>
    typeof _.x === 'number' &&
    typeof _.y === 'number' &&
    typeof _.z === 'number'

const CubeSchema = {
  test: (_: any): _ is Cube =>
    typeof _.width === 'number' && SpaceObjectSchema.test(_)

const SphereSchema = {
  test: (_: any): _ is Sphere =>
    typeof _.radius === 'number' && SpaceObjectSchema.test(_)

const getObjectVolume = (object: SpaceObject) =>
  // Each match handler will receive correct static type
    .match(CubeSchema, cube => cube.width ** 3)
    .match(SphereSchema, sphere => Math.PI * 3 / 4 * sphere.radius ** 3)
    .else(_ => null)

match and is can both be used in the same when expression.


when is fully compatible with TypeScript, and will check the types you return in each is expression:

const getDrinkPrice = (drink: 'Pepsi' | 'Coke' | 'Orangina'): number =>
    .is('Coke', 1.5)
    .is('Pepsi', 1.8)

Here the return type of the when expression will be number

Union types

For each is or else expression added to the current when expression, the type is added as an union to the previous type.

const getDrinkPrice = (drink: 'Pepsi' | 'Coke' | 'Orangina') =>
    .is('Coke', 1.5)
    .is('Pepsi', true)

Here the return type of getDrinkPrice expression will be number | string | boolean