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Rust Kubernetes client and controller runtime

Results 139 kube issues
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Subresources have a lot of special case logic, that is not easily derivable from `k8s_openapi`. So far we have implemented (see [subresources.rs](https://github.com/clux/kube-rs/blob/master/kube/src/api/subresource.rs)): - [x] pods/eviction (impl in #393) - [x]...

help wanted

In some situations it was observed that connections lingered in a CLOSE_WAIT state or even ESTABLISHED state. In others, an existing connection would be reused and would fail at the...

## Motivation Adding support for terminal size when executing command in a container allow to reproduce "kubectl exec -it example -- sh" which can be needed when creating developers tools...

serde_yaml 0.9.x now generates documents that are inconsistent with what `kubectl` (and the rest of the K8s ecosystem) expects (as well as the schemas generated by `schemars`), see https://github.com/stackabletech/operator-rs/pull/450, https://github.com/dtolnay/serde-yaml/issues/298....

### Would you like to work on this feature? maybe ### What problem are you trying to solve? Hi all, first thanks to `kube-rs`! It help a lot of my...


A semi-mirror the [predicates from controller-runtime](https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/predicate) that allows filtering `watcher` streams. Removed scope regarding controllers. scrapped standalone idea PoC for predicates that allow short-circuiting `reconciler` runs if nothing important has...


### Would you like to work on this feature? Sure! ### What problem are you trying to solve? Let's say I have an application using `Api::list` with some `ListParams {...


Currently, we have a bunch of helpers that can implicitly panic the program when their invariants aren't upheld externally, such as [`ResourceExt::name`](https://docs.rs/kube/0.60.0/kube/trait.ResourceExt.html#tymethod.name). These essentially allow the apiserver (or any other...


### Discussed in https://github.com/kube-rs/kube-rs/discussions/948 Originally posted by **jesperpedersen** July 6, 2022 Hi, I'm currently looking at ``` 2022-07-06T08:48:38.812069629-04:00 WARN kube_client::client - Unsuccessful data error parse: 404 page not found 2022-07-06T08:48:38.812085204-04:00...

good first issue

### Would you like to work on this feature? maybe ### What problem are you trying to solve? When trying to limit the scope of permissions required for a controller,...
