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Server -> client sync of *_kustomization_backup.yaml a single point of failure?

Open leiffoged opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

When using terraform apply, the *_kustomization_backup.yaml file is fetched from the first master node.


data "remote_file" "kustomization_backup" {
  conn {
    host        = module.control_planes[keys(module.control_planes)[0]].ipv4_address
    port        = 22
    user        = "root"
    private_key = var.ssh_private_key
    agent       = var.ssh_private_key == null
  path = "/var/post_install/kustomization.yaml"

  depends_on = [null_resource.kustomization]

However, if the *_kustomization_backup.yaml is not available on the first master node, terraform apply will fail.

Consider, for example, the case where the first master node fails (while the 2 other master nodes remain running). I would expect to be able to replace that node with a new node via terraform apply. However, this will not work because the terraform apply will fail when fetching the *_kustomization_backup.yaml from the first master node (which is not available).

By contrast, if any of the other two master nodes fail, terraform apply will correctly replace that node with a new one and heal the cluster properly.

Ideally, *_kustomization_backup.yaml would be generated only once when the cluster is created (or there would be some option to disable fetching it altogether).


Also, thank you for creating this amazing tool. True game-changer.

leiffoged avatar Aug 11 '22 10:08 leiffoged