copy-as-org-mode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
copy-as-org-mode copied to clipboard

A Firefox Add-on (WebExtension) to copy selected web page into Org-mode formatted text!

  • Copy as Org-Mode A WebExtension to copy selected web page into Org-mode formatted text!


I develop and release all my open-source software projects for free, and are ALL licensed under WTFPL, GPL, MIT, or MPL. however, my "free time" is not free actually. If my works are usable to you or make you happy, please consider to donate to reduce my business hours to make more free and open-source projects for you and this world.

Attention: Donate only if you feel happy; it is totally voluntary, I would never force you to do this. I always try as possible as I can to make good project because I need, and wish my work could also be helpful to others. If you donate, I will be glad and grateful, but I cannot provide any gurantee or warranty for this project even if you do this.

Thanks for your contribution!
  • Install
  • [[][Mozilla Add-ons]]
  • Screenshot [[]] [[]] [[]]

  • Supported Browser

  • Firefox for Desktop >= 92
  • Requirements for Development
  • Node
  • web-ext
  • GNU Make
  • All Support Syntax
  • =* Outline=, =1. ordered list=, =- unordered list=, =- [ ] GitHub style todo list=
  • =| Table | Can | Be | Copied! |=
  • Paragraph =

    =, Horizontal splitter =--------=

  • Quoteblock =#+begin_quote= , Codeblock (=: one line code...= or =#+begin_src= + auto guess language ID. e.g. =js=, =c=, =shell=)
  • =bold=, =/italic/=, =underline=, =+strike+=, ~=verbatim=~, =~code~=, =_{sub}=, =^{sup}=
  • =[[link url][link title]]=, =[[a.href][img.src]]= (Notice: multiple == elements + other elements wrapped in == element is not supported by org-mode syntax. I have serveral plans as workaround for this but haven't decided which one is better, hence not implemented this yet..)
  • =[[imgSrc]]= (Notice: I haven't decide how to deal with HTML =title= and =alt= attribute)
  • Known Issues (Plegase feel free to open PR to fix them)
  • It's IMPOSSIBLE to use this add-on under some special pages or domains like . This is the restriction of Firefox browser itself.
  • Nested mark (e.g. ~=bold and= /=italic code=/~) may has some issues for org-mode renderer. This is a common usage in HTML, but may mess up the org-mode renderer. This is the limitation of org-mode's syntax & renderer, I cannot do anything for it.
  • Some block elements in == (e.g. ==) may cannot be handled properly. This is the limitation of org-mode's syntax. I've not decided which workaround should I use currently. #+begin_quote For example, ~ inner text 1 another text 2 another text 3 ~
    • One of the workarounds I can think up so far is to split each Node and make each of them an independent links, but looks disgusting... Like =[[url][inner text 1]] [[url][imgsrc]] [[url][another text 2]] [[url][imgsrc]] [[url][another text 3]]=....
    • Or use ~#+HTML: ~ and ~#+HTML:~ to wrap the children contents and elements. However, this will make the == to a block element and create unneeded inevitable new lines. #+end_quote
  • =
    = may lost newlines in some page (e.g. Should be fixed now but I cannot sure.
  • Notification may freeze the whole Firefox when using on Linux (Test on Firefox 92, Ubuntu & Manjaro), but such issue seems not occurs on Firefox for Windows. So I make this feature an optional setting, you can enable it manually.
  • Permissions

    #+begin_quote This software is created by a paranoid^{TM} free-software & open-source enthusiast, would never collect your any data. Feel free to review the whold code base if doubt. #+end_quote

| Permission (in ~manifest.json~) | Description | Will show a permission warning when install? | |---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | ~activeTab~ | Insert HTML parser to current active tab. | No | | ~menus~ | Add items to context menu. | No | | ~clipboardWrite~ | Copy org-mode text into clipboard. | Yes | | ~notifications~ | Show notification via OS when copy (optional). | Yes | | ~storage~ | Store preferences in ~sync~ (Mozilla Sync account) | No |

  • Development ** Prepare #+BEGIN_SRC sh npm i #+END_SRC

** Run for development (Watch) #+BEGIN_SRC sh make dev web-ext run --verbose --firefox-profile ~/.mozilla/firefox/PROFILE_DIR_NAME #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_QUOTE If webpack watch exit immediately without any error, please try [[]] #+END_QUOTE

** Run Firefox for developing WebExtension #+BEGIN_SRC sh web-ext run --verbose --firefox-profile ~/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXXXX.NAME #+END_SRC

** Deploy (Build .xpi file & run a HTTP server for download) #+BEGIN_SRC sh make xpi-server #+END_SRC

** Zip this repository for uploading to #+BEGIN_SRC sh make zip-repo #+END_SRC

  • Acknowedgement This project referred, forked, or used some parts of the codes from the other projects:

| Project URL | Usage | Licenses of Used Parts | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+------------------------| | [[][0x6b/copy-selection-as-markdown]] | Main project structure; copy and selection handling | MIT | | [[][mixmark-io/turndown]] | Forked as HTML to Org-Mode converter | MIT | | [[][piroor/treestyletab]] | The CSS for ~options_ui~ (settings page) | MPL 2.0; MIT |

  • TODOs
  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts.
  • Image to data URL?
  • License MPL-2.0.

See LICENSE for more information.