CreateLink copied to clipboard
Provide keyboard driven means for changing default format (without having to visit options screen)
I would like a quick way to switch the default format, preferably including a mouse-free way of doing so.
For example, if it were possible to activate the extension (with keyboard), then navigate the menu (with keyboard), and change the default link type to whatever is selected if the control key is held down while selecting - that would be great.
I find that most of the time I am not switching between formats allot, but when I do switch format, I am going to use the new format for a while. This would serve such needs perfectly.
I tend to create many links using the same format in a row. Say I am pasting into a google doc, I want html links. Later, I am filing bugs in JIRA and want to paste many JIRA formatted links. Then, I want my org-mode formatted links for a while. Etc. I might switch back and forth between JIRA and HTML and org-mode formats a few times in a day.
So having a quick keyboard driven way of switching the default would be grand.
Also, i really like the way you confirm the format created link with a quick colorful wink of the format's name. If you make the icon change color to agree with the current default, that would provide advance reminder of what the current default is.
Another approach to meet my need could be to (optionally?) call setDefaultFormatName on the selected format at the end of processing onMenuSelected
I think that by doing this the "default format" would "track" the last selected format, and as a result the existing current-tab-link, which I have bound to control-shift-L would always use the last choses format.
This approach could (optionally) be made optional by introducing another preference (possibly) named "Default Format Tracking".