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Lightweight layout resolver for Vue Router


Lightweight layout resolver for Vue Router.

You may want to use vue-cli-plugin-auto-routing which includes all useful features on routing.


$ npm install vue-router-layout

Supported Vue Version

0.2.0 or newer only supports Vue >= 3.0.0. If you want to use vue-router-layout with Vue v2, try 0.1.x.


Create <RouterLayout> component by passing a callback which resolves layout component to createRouterLayout. The callback will receives a string of layout type and expect returning a promise resolves a layout component.

import { createRouterLayout } from 'vue-router-layout'

// Create <RouterLayout> component.
const RouterLayout = createRouterLayout(layout => {
  // Resolves a layout component with layout type string.
  return import('@/layouts/' + layout + '.vue')

Pass <RouterLayout> to Vue Router's routes option with some children components.

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
import { createRouterLayout } from 'vue-router-layout'

// Create <RouterLayout> component.
const RouterLayout = createRouterLayout(layout => {
  // Resolves a layout component with layout type string.
  return import('@/layouts/' + layout + '.vue')

export default createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(),
  routes: [
      path: '/',

      // Pass <RouterLayout> as the route component
      component: RouterLayout,

      // All child components will be applied with corresponding layout component
      children: [
          path: '',
          component: () => import('@/pages/index.vue')

With the above router, if you have layouts/foo.vue and pages/index.vue like the following:

<!-- layouts/foo.vue -->
    <h1>{{ title }} Foo Layout</h1>

export default {
  props: {
    type: String,
    default: 'Hello',
<!-- pages/index.vue -->

export default {
  // Specify the layout by either an object or a string. 
  // The default value is 'default'.
  layout: {
    name: 'foo',
    props: {
      title: 'Hi'
  // or just `layout: 'foo'` if the layout component doesn't have any props.

The following html will be rendered when you access / route:

  <h1>Hi Foo Layout</h1>

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