Karl Traunmüller
Karl Traunmüller
- rebuild the website from scratch with Bootstrap Studio - maybe involve a designer - focus on clear structure, clear communication
- see [What's new in Cocoa](https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2013/) - also MediaLibrary framework
Provide a way to wrap the selected text in center, flushleft, flushright environments.
Add a third tab "Packages" to the document inspector, offering a checkbox-list of common packages.
Suppress selection of items with different tree levels (e.g., section+subsection selection)
render [Symbols.tex](https://github.com/ktraunmueller/Compositor/files/1123057/Symbols.tex.zip): - 2.1 `\pounds` is missing - 2.2 `\varkappa` is missing - 2.3 `\beth`, `\gimel`, `\daleth` wrong - 2.5 `\backepsilon` missing, `\thicksim` / `\thickapprox` seem to be wrong, `\approxeq`?...
Nice code! I added swiftlint, cleaned up a few minor issues, and updated the project settings for Swift 4 / Xcode 9.2
**Features** - Code completion should be installation-aware, i.e., the catalog of commands and document classes should be updated whenever new packages are installed. - Code completion should only suggest commands...
Compositor currently requires macOS 10.12 or newer. As a consequence, the app bundle contains all the Swift runtime libraries: To slim down the app, bump the minimum deployment target to...