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ktor project generator web page and IDEA plugin
[](https://renovatebot.com) Welcome to [Renovate](https://togithub.com/renovatebot/renovate)! This is an onboarding PR to help you understand and configure settings before regular Pull Requests begin. 🚦 To activate Renovate, merge this Pull Request....
When one picks the HSTS and CORS plugins (IDEA plugin or online generator, doesn't matter), `plugins/HTTP.kt` will not compile. This is due to two issues: ## Missing imports `io.ktor.server.plugins.hsts.*` and...
`https://ktor-plugin.europe-north1-gke.intellij.net/project/settings` route pretends to be unavailable and drops connection by timeout when requested from specific regions like Donetsk People Republic. For all other locations it works without any issues and...
This is likely the Intellij Kotlin project wizard, more than KTOR plugin, but I can't tell from outside which plugin adds the Kotlin "Full Stack Web" project creator. Anyways, it...
Currently, the test code generation imports `kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.io.*`, required by `ByteReadChannel` for all Ktor versions. From ktor 1.3.0 the API changed and `ByteReadChannel` is now located under `io.ktor.utils.io.* `. As a...
Currently, when no other feature then _ContentNegotiation_ is selected, the generated project is not compilable since it is missing the `io.ktor.features.*` import. This PR adds the required import to the...
Currently, the contents of the files CachingHeadersFeature.kt and AutoHeadResponseFeature.kt are swapped. This PR puts the contents of the feature classes into their intended files.
Add missing 'io.ktor:ktor-client-cio-jvm' dependency
When I'm trying to upload [swagger.yaml](https://uecard-transport.korona.net/api/tcinformator/v1/regions/30/info/documents/swagger.yaml) to https://start.ktor.io/# I receive ```RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded```. Idea plugin in such case throwing an error without messages. I deleted optional start...
Both http://start.ktor.io/ and IntelliJ plugin generators do not adhere to the typical Gradle project structure e.g ktor-app/src/(main, test)/(kotlin, resources) Rather I see a somewhat unfamiliar layout where the resources directory...