algotradingbot copied to clipboard
This repository consists several bots encoding various algorithmic trading strategies. The aim here is for absolute beginners in stock trading to get familiar with the various aspects of the market. A...
My name is Luis, I'm a big-data machine-learning developer, I'm a fan of your work, and I usually check your updates. I was afraid that my savings would be eaten...
Attempted to create a Jupyter notebook to showcase a [Stock Market Dashboard]( Currently, it throws syntax error "Unexpected EOF" for all callbacks for the Dash app. Also, the localhost refuses...
Tried to define the path for the logo following this [issue]( Still the site icon/logo is not being rendered properly. Any suggestions/ help?
Sometimes the strategies may yield lossy propositions i.e., buy high and sell low. What could be a good way to label such lossy decisions so these can be used as...
Identify and implement the quantitative performance metrics to understand how good or bad was a particular strategy other than the net loss/gain accrued.
As this project evolves, a lot of trading strategies will be implemented and made available for public use. Towards the end of these strategies, perhaps it would be nice to...