jenkins-job-wrecker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jenkins-job-wrecker copied to clipboard

Fail gracefully when plugins are not implemented

Open gilesw opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments

version 1.0.3 still printed out some of the job when plugins were not implemented but 1.0.4 now fails to print out anything.

gilesw avatar Feb 10 '16 11:02 gilesw

Would you please provide an example XML file that demonstrates this problem?

ktdreyer avatar Feb 10 '16 14:02 ktdreyer

Same here, fails with some plugins. Here's the affected section of XML

        <net.uaznia.lukanus.hudson.plugins.gitparameter.GitParameterDefinition plugin="[email protected]">
          <description>Git branch/tag/ref to checkout. Must be origin/branch_name&quot; for branches or &quot;tags/tag_name&quot; for tags</description>

jjwrecker fails with: NotImplementedError: net.uaznia.lukanus.hudson.plugins.gitparameter.GitParameterDefinition

epikurus avatar Mar 07 '16 19:03 epikurus

Is this working ok for you now, and we can close this issue?

ktdreyer avatar Nov 23 '16 18:11 ktdreyer