jquery-gridly copied to clipboard
Change base, gutter and columns settings and refresh layout
How can we change gridly settings after initialization?
For now I have created an override:
Gridly.prototype.refresh = function(params) {
if (params.length === 1) {
$.extend(this.settings, params[0]);
} else if (params.length === 2) {
this.settings[params[0]] = params[1];
var b = this.settings.base;
this.$('> *').width(b).data('width', b).height(b).data('height', b);
return this.layout();
Then my code looks like this
// base settings
var brickWidth = 250;
var gutter = 10;
// get initial gridly settings
var gridly = $.extend(true, {}, getGridlySettings(), {
callbacks: {
reordered: reorderImages
// dynamically resize images
$('.gridly .brick').width(gridly.base).height(gridly.base);
// initialize gridly
// refresh gridly
function refreshGridly() {
$('.gridly').gridly('refresh', getGridlySettings()); // <====== HERE
// get calculated gridly settings
function getGridlySettings() {
var gridWidth = $('.gridly').width();
var columns = Math.round(gridWidth / (brickWidth + gutter));
var base = Math.round((gridWidth - (gutter * columns)) / columns);
return {
base: base,
gutter: gutter,
columns: columns
// buffer execution by 50ms
// this way we dont do multiple resizes
// if user keeps resizing browser window
timeout = setTimeout(refreshGridly, 50);
I know this is old, but you solved an issue I was having. Thanks @HriBB !
The code above works fine although it makes all bricks the same size. I came up with a slightly different solution based on yours:
var gBase = 60, gGutter = 20, timeout; //Gridly settings and refresh timeout
//Reload gridly
function refreshGridly() {
var lastGridly = $('.gridly').clone();
base: gBase,
gutter: gGutter,
columns: Math.floor($(window).width() / (gBase + gGutter))
timeout = setTimeout(refreshGridly, 50);
This basicalle clones the current Gridly and restarts it keeping the brick "small" and "large" sizes.
The code above works fine although it makes all bricks the same size. I came up with a slightly different solution based on yours:
//Gridly var gBase = 60, gGutter = 20, timeout; //Gridly settings and refresh timeout //Reload gridly function refreshGridly() { var lastGridly = $('.gridly').clone(); lastGridly.removeAttr('style'); $('.gridly-container').empty().append(lastGridly); $('.gridly').gridly({ base: gBase, gutter: gGutter, columns: Math.floor($(window).width() / (gBase + gGutter)) }); } $(window).resize(function(){ clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(refreshGridly, 50); });
This basicalle clones the current Gridly and restarts it keeping the brick "small" and "large" sizes.
elegant, but simple. thanks!