docker-pgmodeler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-pgmodeler copied to clipboard

pgmodeler in a container


pgmodeler in a container

If you have make/gmake consider running:

make help

To run this image, share the X11 socket or use any of the other methods to run X11 Apps in Docker.

For example, you can run the image like this on Linux. With this snippet in your ~/.bahsrc:

  docker run -it -u 1000:1000 --rm -e HOME \
    -e DISPLAY=unix:0 -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/xauth \
    -v $XAUTHORITY:/tmp/xauth -v $HOME:$HOME \
    -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    ${1+"$@"} kayvan/pgmodeler

Now, with postgres running in its own container, you can use the --link and --network parameters for docker run. For example:

pgmodeler --link proj_postgres_1:db --network proj_default

And then use db to refer to the database host.

MacOS: Using this image

On MacOS, if you wish to run this image, you need to install XQuartz and socat. With brew installed, do this:

brew cask install xquartz
brew install socat

Then you can place this bash snippet in your ~/.bash_profile:

__my_ip=$(ifconfig|grep 'inet '|grep -v ''| \
            head -1|awk '{print $2}')
pgmodeler() {
  killall -0 quartz-wm > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "ERROR: Quartz is not running. Start Quartz and try again."
    socat TCP-LISTEN:6001,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\" &
    docker run --rm \
      -e HOME \
      -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/xauth -v ~/.Xauthority:/tmp/xauth \
      -e DISPLAY=$__my_ip:1 --net host -v $HOME:$HOME \
      ${1+"$@"} kayvan/pgmodeler
    kill $SOCAT_PGM_PID

Now, pgmodeler should launch the application.

If postgress is running in its own container, you can use the --link and --network parameters for docker run:

pgmodeler --link proj_postgres_1:db --network proj_default

And then use db to refer to the database host.

